Freshman Orientation
FOUNDATIONS // 1 credit hour // This course is intended to help incoming students become familiar with the Living Faith Bible Institute, its philosophy, methodology, and student expectations.
Foundations 1
FOUNDATIONS // 2 credit hours // Foundations 1 is a required introductory course that teaches core biblical doctrines and a philosophy of discipleship foundational to ministry.
Foundations 2
FOUNDATIONS // 2 credit hours // The fall semester of Foundations 2 will cover the Character & Spiritual Qualities of a Man or Woman of God and the Seven Stages of Spiritual Growth. This course is an introductory course for all LFBI students.
Foundations 3
FOUNDATIONS 3 // 2 credit hours // This course (previously Discipleship 2 semester 2) teaches the biblical leader principles for studying the Bible and instructing others in God's word.
Introduction to Old Testament 1
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // The Introduction to the Bible series is a survey that focuses on the history and writings of both the Old and New Testaments of God’s Word. This course focuses on the books Genesis through Job.
Introduction to New Testament 1
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // Introduction to New Testament 1 is an overview of Matthew through 2 Thessalonians. Topics include the historical context, life application, pictures, types, prophecies, key features and dispensational truth.
The Gospel of Matthew
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // This course is an expositional study of the first book of the New Testament with primary attention paid to the doctrinal application primarily alongside some historical and personal life application.
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 1 credit hour // This course is designed to equip students to boldly prove biblical Christianity within a secular world while exemplifying a gentle and kind spirit as found in Matthew 10:16.
Introduction to Biblical Counseling
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // This course will give students an understanding of the sufficiency of Scripture to help people with their mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational problems. Students will see how God's Word transcends modern therapeutic, psychological, and psychiatric approaches.
Pastoral Epistles
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // This class is an intensive study of the epistles of Paul the apostle to pastors. This course is an exposition of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus as God’s handbook for pastors. The content and themes therein are developed exegetically and expositorily with an emphasis on the responsibilities of pastoral leaders in the church.
Church History
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // The goal of this course is to equip the serious student of the word of God with the fundamental principles that govern the history of mankind as it relates to spiritual and ecclesiastical matters.
Introduction to Homiletics
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 CREDIT // This course focuses on the preparation and delivery of biblical sermons, studies, and lessons. The student will learn an exegetical and expositional approach to preaching and further develop a biblical hermeneutic.
1 Corinthians
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // This course approaches the strategic church epistle of 1 Corinthians with the purpose of understanding Paul’s description of ministry in an urban setting, including church order, structure, government and problems. Spiritual gifts are examined in light of the Spirit’s purpose in promoting the effectiveness of the local church.
Missions 1
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // In this course, we will look at the Biblical examples of missions support, the historical movements and methods employed in missions support, and the role of the local church in modern missions support.
Biblical Counseling Lab 3
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course presents students with a series of lectures and reading assignments that address acute relational issues (interpersonal, familial and marital). It also provides students with role-playing counseling exercises intended to build confidence and strengthen biblical counseling methods.
Homiletics Lab 2
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // In this course we will be introducing students to the processes and heart posture associated with preparing and presenting a sermon.
Ministry Practicum
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // The LFBI Ministry Practicum is an essential part of applying what has been learned comprehensively. The objective of this course is for the student to develop and execute a ministry task, project, or program that will serve their local church.
Missions Discovery Trip
LEADERSHIP PREP // 0 credit hours // This course provides students with a feedback and reporting mechanism that should include some, if not all, of the following elements: a summary of their mission trip, evangelical components and opportunities, local church support and edification, and training and teaching opportunities.
Israel History trip
CONTINUING EDUCATION // 2 credit hours // This course will stand alongside the Israel trip this fall.