Spring COURSE Enrollment is Open
Courses run from January 11th - May 3rd
FOUNDATIONS // 2 credit hours // Foundations 1 is a required introductory course that teaches core biblical doctrines and a philosophy of discipleship foundational to ministry.
FOUNDATIONS // 2 credit hours // This semester of Foundations will cover the Character & Spiritual Qualities of a Man or Woman of God and the Seven Stages of Spiritual Growth. This course is an introductory course for all LFBI students.
FOUNDATIONS // 2 credit hours // This course will cover the Philosophy of Discipleship, How to Disciple, and How to Study the Bible. It serves as an introductory course for all LFBI students.
FOUNDATIONS // 1 credit hour // This course is intended to help incoming students become familiar with the Living Faith Bible Institute, its philosophy, methodology, and student expectations.
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // Introduction to Old Testament 2 is an overview of Psalms through Malachi. Topics include historical context, life application, pictures, types, prophecies, key features, and dispensational truth.
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // Introduction to New Testament 2 is an overview of 1 Timothy through Revelation. Topics include historical context, life application, pictures, types, prophecies, key features, and dispensational truth.
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // This course will reveal God’s plan for the world and for His chosen people, the nation of Israel.
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // This course gives a survey of the basic doctrines of the Bible, placing each truth-topic within a framework of discipleship. This is done systematically from a dispensational and premillennial perspective.
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 1 credit hour // This course will provide the student with the content and context for developing a biblical understanding of evangelism.
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 1 credit hour // This course will teach students the parts of speech and rules of grammar in the English language for the sake of informing exegetical study within the Authorized Version of the King James Bible.
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 1 credit hour // This course is designed to equip students to boldly prove biblical Christianity within a secular world while exemplifying a gentle and kind spirit as found in Matthew 10:16.
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // This course will give students an understanding of the sufficiency of Scripture to help people with their mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational problems. Students will see how God's Word transcends modern therapeutic, psychological, and psychiatric approaches.
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // This course is concerned with practical pastoral duties, responsibilities, and relationships. Proper procedures will be covered as well as the personal conduct of the pastor as it relates to his personal life, the flock, and his oversight thereof.
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // This course is an expositional study of the life of Jesus Christ. This study will focus on the narrative of Christ’s life, His word, and His works as an exemplar for the ministry of the New Testament minister.
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // This class will provide a 16-week substantive overview of the book of Hebrews which sets out to demonstrate the theological, spiritual, and devotional supremacy of Christ and the New Covenant over all other men, gods, philosophical systems, religions, or earthly constructs.
LEADERSHIP PREP // 1 credit hour // This is a study highlighting the primacy of effective prayer and worship in the private life of the pastor, which directly impacts the spiritual vitality of the entire church.
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course presents students with a series of lectures and reading assignments that address acute relational issues (interpersonal, familial, and marital). It also provides students with role-playing counseling exercises intended to build confidence and strengthen biblical counseling methods.
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This class will provide students with essential biblical concepts, methodologies and best practices associated with the process and preparation of planting churches.
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course focuses on instilling in the pastor or church leader a biblically principled approach to ministry that sets ministers free to own the work of evangelism, discipleship, and ministry service.
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // Paul warns repeatedly in the epistles of false teachers and fables intended to lead people astray. This class is intended to give students an overview of the major false religions and cults in our world today.
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // The objective of this required course is for the student to develop and execute a ministry task, project, or program that will serve their local church.
spring Enrollment 2025 - Spanish Courses
FUNDACIONES // 2 credito horas // Fundaciones 2 va a cubrir el Carácter Espiritual de un Hombre y una Mujer de Dios y las Siete Etapas de un Crecimiento Espiritual. Este curso es una introducción a todos los cursos del instituto LFBI para los estudiantes.
FUNDACIONES // 2 credito horas // Fundaciones 3 es un curso de equipamiento para lideres desarrollado por el Instituto Bíblico Living Faith. Los temas para este semestre son: La Filosofía del Discipulado, Como Discipular, Las Reglas del Estudio Bíblico, y Contradicciones Aparentes en la Biblia.
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credito horas // El curso establece la misión dada por Dios como la razón para nuestra existencia y la esencia del propósito de nuestra vida. Puntos clave y términos bíblicos son definidos, y la responsabilidad personal de ser misioneros como creyentes del Nuevo Testamento.
What people are saying…
“At this stage of my life, things are chaotic [between ministry and family]…LFBI is so important to my life. First, it gives me focus. Second, it’s flexible. In essence, I don’t have to put my life on pause.”
- Brian B., LFBI Student