Foundations 1
FOUNDATIONS // 2 credit hours // Foundations 1 is a required introductory course that teaches core biblical doctrines and a philosophy of discipleship foundational to ministry.
Foundations 2
FOUNDATIONS // 2 credit hours // This semester of Foundations will cover the Character & Spiritual Qualities of a Man or Woman of God and the Seven Stages of Spiritual Growth. This course is an introductory course for all LFBI students.
Foundations 3
FOUNDATIONS // 2 credit hours // This course will cover the Philosophy of Discipleship, How to Disciple, and How to Study the Bible. It serves as an introductory course for all LFBI students.
Freshman Orientation
FOUNDATIONS // 1 credit hour // This course is intended to help incoming students become familiar with the Living Faith Bible Institute, its philosophy, methodology, and student expectations.
Introduction to New Testament 1
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // Introduction to New Testament 1 is an overview of Matthew through 2 Thessalonians. Topics include the historical context, life application, pictures, types, prophecies, key features and dispensational truth.
Introduction to Old Testament 1
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // The Introduction to the Bible series is a survey that focuses on the history and writings of both the Old and New Testaments of God’s Word. This course focuses on the books Genesis through Job.
1 Corinthians
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // This course approaches the strategic church epistle of 1 Corinthians with the purpose of understanding Paul’s description of ministry in an urban setting, including church order, structure, government and problems. Spiritual gifts are examined in light of the Spirit’s purpose in promoting the effectiveness of the local church.
Acts of the Apostles
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // An analytical study of the book of Acts that examines the foundations and early development of Christianity. Particular attention is given to the transition from Israel to the Church and Paul's role in the dispensation of grace.
The Eschatology of Daniel and Revelation
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // An expositional study of the two most important books of prophecy in the Bible: Daniel in the Old Testament and Revelation in the New Testament.
Realities of Biblical Discipleship
LEADERSHIP PREP // 1 credit hour // This course explores the personal responsibilities associated with discipleship in the local church. It will tackle the calling, culture and challenges that come with implementing discipleship from a leadership perspective.
Church History
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // The goal of this course is to equip the serious student of the word of God with the fundamental principles that govern the history of mankind as it relates to spiritual and ecclesiastical matters.
Baptist History
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course deals with important moments and people that helped shape the theology and tradition of Baptists. This course explores Baptistic distinctives throughout church history and what can be learned from the moments, men, methods, and means within the Baptistic heritage.
Missions 2: Movements & Cultures
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // We will look at the impact that missionaries and the word of God have had on cultures and how countries develop and how technology has changed our approach to missions.
Life of Paul
ELECTIVE // 2 credit hours // This class is a biblically grounded, analytical study of Paul the apostle aiming to aid the student in interacting with the historical life of Paul.
Biblical Counseling Lab 1
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course is a follow-up to the Intro to Biblical Counseling Course. In this course, we will be applying the knowledge from that course, as well as the Self-Confrontation material, to work through counseling vignettes.
Homiletics Lab 1
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // In this course we will be introducing students to the processes and heart posture associated with preparing and presenting a sermon.
Youth Ministry
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course will cover the topic of ministering to teens in the local church. Students will learn about how to envision, initiate, develop, and oversee youth ministries.
Ministry Practicum
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // The objective of this required course is for you to develop and execute a ministry task, project, or program that will serve your local church.
Missions Discovery Trip
LEADERSHIP PREP // 0 credit hours // This course provides students with a feedback and reporting mechanism that should include some, if not all, of the following elements: a summary of their mission trip, evangelical components and opportunities, local church support and edification, and training and teaching opportunities.
Fundaciones 2
FUNDACIONES // 2 credito horas // Fundaciones 2 va a cubrir el Carácter Espiritual de un Hombre y una Mujer de Dios y las Siete Etapas de un Crecimiento Espiritual. Este curso es una introducción a todos los cursos del instituto LFBI para los estudiantes.