The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.


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Episode 199: Preparing to Plant a Church in Nairobi, Kenya

This week on The Postscript, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute, Brandon Briscoe, interviews Myles Cheadle who is currently (2024) raising support to go as a missionary-pastor to Nairobi, Kenya. Myles shares his testimony of salvation and how God has prepared him in ministry at Midtown Baptist Temple in Kansas City, MO. We then discuss how he became aware of the mission field in Nairobi and how God opened his heart to going. Myles and his family are currently raising support to move to Nairobi, Kenya to shepherd a growing body of faithful believers. Along with his wife, Myles intends to transition to Nairobi full time in January 2025.



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Missions The Postscript Show Missions The Postscript Show

Episode 14: Pastoral Calling, Bible Study & Church Planting

In this week's episode of the Postscript, Brandon interviews Pastor Dan Reneau of Living Faith Lee's Summit and instructor at Living Faith Bible Institute. In this episode we discuss his testimony and how he came to a place where he believed he was called to pastoral leadership. We also discuss how the church in Lee's Summit, MO was planted and how God has used simple faithfulness to establish disciples.

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