The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.


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Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 197: II Peter 1, Partaking of Christ’s Divine Nature, Part 2

Justin Trotter of Callie Harbin Baptist Church in Villa Rica, GA comes back on the show today to continue Bible study in II Peter 1 with Brandon Briscoe, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute. Last week, we looked at what it means to grow in faith, virtue, knowledge and temperance. This time we look at the last four characteristics the disciple of Christ is called to mature in: patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity.


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Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 196: II Peter 1, Partaking of Christ’s Divine Nature, Part 1

II Peter 1 presents seven things the believer needs to add to their faith in order to mature in Christlike thought, behavior and speech. The promise of Scripture is that if these seven things are applied properly, the believer will grow in fruitfulness, a relationship with Christ now and an abundant entrance into His kingdom in the future (II Peter 1:8-11). Justin Trotter of Callie Harbin Baptist Church in Villa Rica, GA joins us today to walk through this passage, expounding what it means to grow in faith, virtue, knowledge and temperance. We examine these key components to fruitfully and faithfully living out the Christian life God has purposed for us as believers. In the next episode, we will walk through the last few things in this II Peter 1 list that the believer needs to add to their faith in order to receive a full reward at the judgment seat of Christ.


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