The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.


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Ministry The Postscript Show Ministry The Postscript Show

Episode 165: Shepherding the Unchurched

This week we have Pastor Joe McKaig of Decatur Baptist Church in Decatur, AL, who is the instructor of the Introduction to Homiletics course in the Living Faith Bible Institute. We are going to discuss what it means to be salt and light within the communities that we live.

What does it look like for the church to be a friend and support within their community? What does it mean for the pastor to shepherd the relationships they have with those outside of the church?


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The Postscript Show The Postscript Show

Episode 132: A Model for Children’s Ministry & Cultivating Godly Character

We sit down with pastor Beau Green of Maple City Baptist Church in Monmouth, Illinois to discuss his book titled Under Construction: How to Build a Children’s Ministry.Beau shares from the Word of God and experience how to grow a healthy children’s ministry, effectively relaying a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ through His Word to next generations. He also shares his heart on the value of working with kids and what it looks like to give them the best of resources God has entrusted to us. Finally, we take some time to discuss hurdles to working with youth and biblical solutions to overcome those issues.

Purchase Under Construction: How to Build a Children’s Ministry at

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Discipleship The Postscript Show Discipleship The Postscript Show

Episode 125: The Objectives of Real Discipleship

We sit down with the Chair of Foundations at LFBI, Kenny Morgan, to discuss what it takes to establish a philosophy of biblical discipleship in the local church. Kenny defines four goals from the New Testament that are present in an authentic disciple of Jesus Christ: Establishment in true worship, the Word of God, the local church, and the ministry. We close with what it looks like for a pastor to envision, implement and grow a culture of discipleship within their church.

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The Postscript Show The Postscript Show

Episode 45: Giving the Ministry Away, Developing Leaders & Taking Risks

In this episode with Pastor Sam Miles of Midtown Baptist Temple, we hear his heartbeat for training leaders in the ministry. He discusses all the ways in which he hands over the work and how he takes risks on young but faithful leaders. This episode is great for leaders looking to make their church ministry reproducible.

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