The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.
Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple
New episodes of the Postscript release weekly
Episode Finder:
Episode 224: Is Tithing Necessary for New Testament Christians?
Tithing has long been a fundamental practice among Christians as an act of faith and obedience. Many churches today continue to emphasize tithing as a means of supporting ministry, aiding the needy, and demonstrating trust in God’s provision.
No doubt about it though, when money is involved, there will be bad actors. With the rise of televangelism and the seed-faith gospel, many Christians have grown cynical about giving. Even in local churches, there is a growing sentiment that the Christian is not responsible for the tithe, but that it is an Old Testament practice, done away with in the New Testament. Is that true? What does scripture reveal about the practice of the tithe? Is it relevant today?
Brandon Briscoe, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute, has invited Pastor Chris Best, Missiology instructor at the Living Faith Bible Institute onto the show to address this subject from a biblical perspective.
Episode 123: Hebrews Q&A with Brian Clark
This week’s episode is with Pastor Brian Clark of Crossroads Baptist Church in London, England. It is a question and answer session for the course “Hebrews” in Living Faith Bible Institute. Brian answers questions from students, with the intention of presenting the book's application and demystifying it doctrinally.
+26: Revelation Made Simple, Part 5
In this episode of the Ps+ we wrap up our series in Revelation by reviewing the key concepts and insights necessary in understanding the book.
Episode 89: Seven Days, Seven Millennia & Jesus in Genesis 1
In this episode with professor of Genesis Sam Miles, we work through the six days of creation/restoration adjacent to human history. We also cover typology in Genesis 1 regarding Christ’s eternal Kingdom, beginning with a principle in 2 Peter 3:8.
Episode 86: Covenant Theology, Soteriology & Fake Muscle Tees
In this episode we continue with Ps+ host Van Sneed. We pick up our conversation from episode 76 which regarded biblical dispensations. In this episode we walk through the covenant definitions often espoused by covenant theologians & discuss why this framework for dividing the Bible falls short historically, doctrinally & devotionally.
+19: Wrapping Up Dispensational Theology
In this episode of the Ps+ we finish our study of Dispensationalism by reviewing and reflecting on its purpose and benefits.
Episode 76: Dispensations, Kingdoms & “Board Games”
Host of the Ps+ Van Sneed walks us through a classic dispensational view of Scripture. We see how understanding context informs biblical application.
+9: The 7 Dispensations, Part 6
In this episode of the Ps+ we continue to explore Dispensationalism by looking at the seventh dispensation: the millennium.
+8: The 7 Dispensations Part 5
In this episode of the Ps+ we continue to explore Dispensationalism by looking at the sixth dispensation: the Age of Grace.
+7: The 7 Dispensations, Part 4
In this episode of the Ps+, we explore the transitional nature of the book of Acts and how it functions as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments.
+6: The 7 Dispensations, Part 3
In this episode of the Ps+ we continue to explore Dispensationalism by looking at the fifth dispensation: the Law
+5: The 7 Dispensations, Part 2
In this episode of the Ps+ we continue to explore Dispensationalism by looking at the third and fourth dispensations: Human Government and Patriarchs.
+4: The 7 Dispensations Part 1
In this episode of the Ps+ we continue to explore Dispensationalism by looking at the first and second dispensations: Innocence and Conscience.
+3: A (Brief) Introduction to dispensationlism
In this episode, the Ps+ explores Dispensationalism, which is a systematic method by which the Bible can be interpreted based on clearly observed patterns in scripture.
Episode 32: The Problem with NT Wright, His Influence & The Attack on Dispensationalism
Wright is perhaps the most influential thinker in evangelical Christianity today. So what's wrong with his hermeneutic?