The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.

Pastor Brandon Briscoe Postscript podcast

Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple

New episodes of the Postscript release weekly

Episode Finder:

Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 202: The Imminent Return of Christ & Pretribulation Rapture Theology

Since the beginning of the church, Bible believers have discussed the return of Christ. The Apostle Paul admonishes the church in Rome to prepare for the return of Christ in Romans 13:11, “And that, knowing the time, that now [it is] high time to awake out of sleep: for now [is] our salvation nearer than when we believed. 12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.” And yet, despite Paul’s appeal to Christ’s imminent return, theologians still debate if and when Jesus will return and under what circumstances.

Today Brandon Briscoe, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute has invited Pastor Sam Miles, President of LFBI to discuss the imminent return of Christ, a pretribulation rapture, and to ask the questions like, “What is the order of the end times events? What is the rapture?” and, “Why is the topic of the ‘rapture of the church’ so significant to Christians?”


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Ps+ The Postscript Show Ps+ The Postscript Show

A Simple Overview of the Book of Revelation

In this special episode, we have compiled five Ps+ episodes hosted by Van Sneed into one. Van uses Bible study principles and topics from Pastor Greg Axe's book "Revelation Made Simple" to give us the clear layout and meaning of the very important and last book of the Bible, Revelation, which culminates in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth to rule and receive all the glory, honor and worship He deserves in His everlasting kingdom. Since Revelation regards end-time events, there is much wild speculation surrounding the book. This specific show is meant to provide a biblical lens for understanding the structure of Revelation, while focussing on the things within the book which are abundantly clear.

Purchase "Revelation Made Simple" by Greg Axe at


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Ps+ The Postscript Show Ps+ The Postscript Show

+20: Revelation Made Simple Part 1

In this episode of the Ps+ we take a look at a key verse for the understanding the last book of the Bible—Revelation 1:10.

Join Ps+ host Van Sneed each week as he takes a brief but deep and meaningful look at array theological topics.

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