The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.


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Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 140: Demonology, The Devil & His Domain

We sit down with LFBI President Pastor Sam Miles of Midtown Baptist Temple, and Professor of our Genesis course, regarding the Luciferian rebellion before the fall of man and the ensuing spiritual battle for worship between God and the Devil’s kingdom. Specifically, we will look into what Scripture says about demons, their role in the devil’s plan and the nature of their jurisdiction.


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The Postscript Show The Postscript Show

Episode 85: Angelology, Lucifer & Spiritual Warfare

In this episode we talk with pastor Sam Miles, LFBI professor of our Genesis course regarding angelology. We look at Lucifer’s place in eternity past, his rebellion & how our prayers impact the spiritual battle for eternal souls.

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The Postscript Show The Postscript Show

Episode 8: The Flood, The Plain of Shinar & The Circuits of Heaven

In this episode we continue a conversation with Pastor Sam Miles, Dean of the Living Faith Bible Institute about the Book of Genesis. In this segment we cover quite of bit of ground by discussing God's Judgment in the Great Flood, the Tower of Babel and the introduction of Abram in the Land of Ur.

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The Postscript Show The Postscript Show

Episode 7: The Garden, The Liar & The Corrupting of the Seed

In this episode of The Postscript, Brandon continues his interview with Pastor Sam Miles, Dean of Education at the Living Faith Bible Institute. We are discussing the Book of Genesis, specifically the Fall of Man and the work of Satan to corrupt and harm the offspring of mankind.

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The Postscript Show The Postscript Show

Episode 6: Origins, The Gap & Conformity to Christ

In this episode Brandon interviews Pastor Sam Miles of Midtown Baptist Temple, Dean of Education at the Living Faith Bible Institute. Sam is also teaching this semester's class on the book of Genesis. In today’s segment, Sam tells us about the birth of LFBI and why it's such a valuable tool to the growth of leaders. He also starts a conversation about Genesis that picks up steam throughout this entire interview series.

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