The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.


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Missions The Postscript Show Missions The Postscript Show

Episode 203: Unknown Missionaries Ed & Rachel Erny

Professor of Missiology at the Living Faith Bible Institute, James Fyffe, continues the Unknown Missionary series on The Postscript today with Provost of LFBI Brandon Briscoe. We begin with the interesting story and legacy of the Erny family. Ed was the son of missionaries and grandson to Swiss Protestant immigrants to the U.S. Ed was trained for missions at Asbury Theological Seminary. Ed and Rachel spent 40 years in Asia as missionaries, suffering many trials along the way. Their testimony remains that God used them mightily, with many souls coming into Christ’s Kingdom and glory after them. Ed wrote an autobiography titled “No Reserves, No Regrets, No Retreats: The Life and Ministry of Ed Erny.”

Autobiography, “No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets: The Life and Ministry of Ed Erny” - (

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Apologetics The Postscript Show Apologetics The Postscript Show

Episode 124: Apologetics, Listening & Asking the Right Questions

This week, we talk apologetics with Living Faith Bible Institute Professor Tony Godfrey. As believers, many of us acknowledge our need to share and defend our faith, but few of us feel capable. Learning an approach to and the philosophy behind our apologetic is important to engaging the lost. This episode, we discuss that philosophy, learning some skills for sharing our faith and standing firm on the authority of God's word.

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Missions The Postscript Show Missions The Postscript Show

Episode 121: Unknown Missionary Quan Xuan

We continue our missions series with missionary and LFBI professor James Fyffe. Last time we spoke, we covered the ministry of George Grenfell in the Congo, Africa (Ep. 116). This time we travel to Asia to cover the life of another lesser-known missionary, Quan Xuan, who worked in Vietnam during a communist uprisal which severely opposed the spread of Christianity. His passion for Christ led him to become a great example of what it means to go before those we lead.

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Missions The Postscript Show Missions The Postscript Show

Episode 116: Unknown Missionary George Grenfell

In this weeks episode we sit down with Pastor James Fyffe, professor of Missiology at Living Faith Bible Institute and former missionary to Southeast Asia to discuss a missionary not often talked about, George Grenfell. For over 20 years Grenfell gave his life to establish a chain of churches through the Congo. His story is one of inspiration and resolve.

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Mission Focus The Postscript Show Mission Focus The Postscript Show

Episode 106: A Preface to Mission Focus 2022

In this episode we talk with missionary James Fyffe of Midtown Baptist Temple regarding Mission Focus. We discuss the significance of the great commission for the Church (Matt. 28:18-20 & Acts 1:8), how everyone in the body of Christ has a part and why this conference is prioritized at the first of our calendar year. Lastly, what should we expect from the guest speakers and breakout sessions?

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