The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.

Pastor Brandon Briscoe Postscript podcast

Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple

New episodes of the Postscript release weekly

Episode Finder:

Missions The Postscript Show Missions The Postscript Show

Episode 163: Unknown Missionary Narcissa Whitman

We discuss the life of missionary Narcissa Whitman with James Fyffe, professor of missiology at the Living Faith Bible Institute. Narcissa moved West with the gospel in the 1800's at a time women were not commonly going to the mission field. We discuss the hurdles she faced and how she went to the Cayuse and the Nez Percé tribes with the intention of spreading the gospel. Lastly, we glean principles from an analysis of her journals for supporting sent missionaries from home churches.


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Missions The Postscript Show Missions The Postscript Show

Episode 146: Missions and the Role of the Local Church

In this episode Jeff Bartell, the missions pastor of First Baptist Church in New Philadelphia, OH and host of the podcast Theology Roundtable shares his missions experience in post-communist Albania. In 1992 Jeff found himself amidst a people who had never heard the gospel. He learned the language, preached the gospel and made disciples. Now that same Albanian local church God used Jeff to plant is biblically envisioned and actively reproducing local churches in other parts of the world. We discuss missions and specifically how the local church described throughout the New Testament fits God’s plan for evangelizing the lost and making disciples of Jesus Christ.


Visit for sermons and additional materials from the Living Faith Fellowship’s 2022-23 Mission Focus Conference.

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Mission Focus The Postscript Show Mission Focus The Postscript Show

Episode 106: A Preface to Mission Focus 2022

In this episode we talk with missionary James Fyffe of Midtown Baptist Temple regarding Mission Focus. We discuss the significance of the great commission for the Church (Matt. 28:18-20 & Acts 1:8), how everyone in the body of Christ has a part and why this conference is prioritized at the first of our calendar year. Lastly, what should we expect from the guest speakers and breakout sessions?

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The Postscript Show The Postscript Show

Episode 44: The Evangelism Imperative, Equipping Saints & Every Member A Minister

In this episode Pastor Sam Miles continues to share the philosophy and heartbeat of a biblical church ministry. Continuing from last week we discuss how prayer for souls leads to open doors with unbelievers. We also discuss how young believers grow through discipleship in a way that produces a functional minister that multiplies the mission of Christ.

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