The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.


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Episode 200: Human Consciousness, AI & a Biblical Worldview

In our modern world, technology evolves so rapidly that we often don’t even take notice anymore. Technology is so integrated into our daily lives that it’s rare for us to take notice of it and even harder to be knowledgeable and circumspect about all the ways in which our lives are affected by the subtleties of these advancements. As Bible believing Christians, we should be asking the hard questions about how technology is impacting our families, our ministry and our outlook on the world. On today's show, we discuss the implications of artificial intelligence and the development of technology that is so life-like that we begin to believe it's "human." We will ask, is it possible for technology to become sentient? What are the ontological implications of transhumanism? What is the singularity and why should I understand its ambitions? 

For this topic, Brandon Briscoe chats with Brian Bustos on the topic of human consciousness and a biblical worldview. Brian is an instructor in Living Faith Bible Institute and Director of Experience Strategy at one of Fortune’s top 100 innovative companies, where he focuses on emerging technologies. In our episode, he will help us to understand why God's creation is uniquely complex compared to AI and why we can trust that his truths will help us navigate the dystopian realities of our contemporary world.


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Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 171: Does God Exist? | The Great Debate

In February of 1996 the Kansas University Debate Team sponsored a debate on the existence of God. The lecture hall was packed with 850 students in attendance to hear Pastor Alan Shelby debate with Dr. Gordon Stein.

Dr. Stein was one of America’s foremost scholars of atheism. He served as the editor of the American Rationalist, a secular humanist journal, as well as Free Inquiry magazine. He was also the librarian of the Center for Inquiry, which houses the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Dr. Stein had written seven books on atheist history and philosophy, including a well known pamphlet titled “How to Argue with a Theist and Win.”

At the time, Pastor Shelby, now dean of the Living Faith Bible Institute, was serving as the college and young adults pastor at Kansas City Baptist Temple.

This week on the Postscript, we have the privilege of sharing with you a remastered recording of that 1996 debate.


20-Minute Opening Statement affirmative

20-Minute Opening Statement negative

10-Minute Rebuttal affirmative

10-Minute Rebuttal negative

5-Minute Closing affirmative

5-Minute Closing negative

Q&A Forum


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