The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.
Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple
New episodes of the Postscript release weekly
Episode Finder:
Episode 219: Preparing to Plant a Church in Kosovo & Lessons Learned from a Missions Internship in Albania
We have made a habit over the years of inviting church planters and missionaries onto The Postscript to share their testimony, along with the twists and turns of the work of church planting, which is not an easy endeavor. One such church planter is Vinnie Nigro and his wife, Megan, of First Baptist Church in New Philadelphia, Ohio. Brandon Briscoe, the provost of Living Faith Bible Institute, has invited missionary Vincent Nigro to discuss the many ways God has shaped his heart for the mission field, as well as how he discovered Kosovo, the predominantly Muslim nation which he intends to plant a church.
Short #24: Luis Zavala
Student Affairs & Bridge Program Director at Living Faith Bible Institute, Jeff Grasher, interviews LFBI student Luis Zalava from Tampa Florida. Luis witnessed the civil war of El Salvador as a young boy which was accompanied by difficulty. Luis had many spiritual questions left unanswered by false religion though, and he drifted further from an interest in church after visiting a wild Pentecostal service. Luis however, did not lose interest in Jesus and the Bible. He eventually placed his faith in Christ sometime later after learning the gospel in the Bible on his own. Luis moved the U.S. and lived with his brother who introduced him to Living Faith Tampa where he is currently engaged in ministry and discipleship.
Lastly, Luis gives a charge why every believer needs a Bible education, to grow spiritual, and to grow in courage to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost world.
Short #21: John Wright
Today we speak with a student of Living Faith Bible Institute, John Wright who is a member of Living Faith Lee's Summit. John shares his testimony of salvation, and what he is up to in ministry. We then discuss how LFBI doctrinal training has benefitted his life and ministry.
Short #19: Kylie Grasher
Today, we speak with recent graduate of Living Faith Bible Institute, Kylie Grasher who ministers in Kansas City, Missouri. Kylie is the host of the show's (Jeff Grasher's) wife! In this unique interview, Kylie shares her testimony of salvation, how she began following the Lord day by day and how L.F.B.I. has benefited her in keeping her home and raising her kids in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We then discuss how LFBI doctrinal training has benefitted her life and ministry. Lastly, Kylie tells us her favorite LFBI courses and Postscript episodes.
Episode 158: “Rub Some Dirt On It”, a Zambian Tale
Associate pastor of First Bible Baptist Church of Blue Springs Bobby Bonner joins us to share his testimony salvation and how he became a missionary in Zambia, Africa. Pastor Bonner recounts his career as a professional baseball player for the Baltimore Orioles and tells us how God burdened him for a life of missions.
Through a series of events, God led Bobby back to the U.S. where he remains an associate pastor and President of International African Missions which is set to reach all of Sub-Sahara Africa with the gospel and to establish churches.
Purchase Bobby Bonner's book "Rub Some Dirt On It" here:
Short #14: Hunter Sbisa
We interview student of Living Faith Bible Institute, Hunter Sbisa. He shares his testimony of coming to faith in Christ. He explains how his Catholic upbringing both helped and hindered him in coming to faith and how God used his college experiences and relationships to gently direct him to rest in the finished work of Christ. Hunter is a coleader of a fellowship along with Van Sneed at Living Faith Lee's Summit.
Episode 153: A Zambian Missions Story
Dan Jalowiec joins us today to share his testimony of salvation and how that led to a missionary call to Zambia, Africa for him and his wife, Jan. Dan shares many ways in which he has experienced God’s grace along the way. He discovered the mission field of Zambia on his very first mission trip, after a long career with his wife Jan in optometry. Most recently, Dan and Jan have planned to return to Zambia for more focused cultural and linguistic training; this time they will be without their children who have grown and are trusting Christ in their own endeavors as they have come to maturity.
Short #13: Austin Dutton
We interview student of Living Faith Bible Institute, Austin Dutton. He tells his story of being raised in the church which led to a to a personal decision of salvation during a sermon. He explains how discipleship and LFBI has impacted his life and tells us what he is up to in ministry at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Moulton, Alabama.
Episode 148: A Heart to Submit to the God of the Bible
Randy Copeland of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Mouton, AL joins us for a conversation on spiritual authority and accountability to the Word of God in the church. Randy shares his testimony of salvation and how he was called to pastoral ministry. He explains how repentance from a heart posture of rebellion to one of submission to Christ and His Word completely changed his life and freed him to prefer others over himself. We discuss what a right attitude toward God ordained authority looks like. Lastly, we discuss the worthiness and exaltation of Jesus Christ in the context of Spirit-led unity.
Episode 137: Worship According to Scripture & Certainty
Troy Stogsdill, lead pastor of First Baptist Church in New Philadelphia, OH joins us to announce the Living Faith Fellowship Certainty Conference (Oct. 2-5). We hear Troy's testimony of salvation, how he became a pastor and a few reasons on why believers should tune in for the Certainty Conference this year. The key speaker will be Pastor Kenny Morgan, discipleship pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple in Kansas City, MO and chair of the Foundations program at the Living Faith Bible Institute. Guest speakers for the morning sessions will include Pastor Alan Shelby of Harvest Baptist Church in Blue Springs, MO and dean of the Living Faith Bible Institute as well as Pastor Steve Charette of First Bible Baptist Church of Gardner, MA.
Short #8: John Scott
Living Faith Bible Institute Student John Scott shares his testimony of salvation, sanctification and how he became the children's minister at a new church plant in Columbus, Ohio, Northside Baptist Church.
Episode 136: 7 Stages of Spiritual Growth in a Disciple of Jesus Christ
Pastor Jay Schug of Community Fellowship Baptist Church in Huntsville, Alabama walks us through a biblical template for teaching the seven stages of spiritual growth in the disciple of Christ within the context of a local church. We begin with Jay's testimony of salvation and first steps of faith. He then shares how God called him to the pastorate and gave him a vision for biblical discipleship.
The seven stages of spiritual growth for the disciple of Christ covered in this episode are:
1. Repentance,
2. Enlightenment/Illumination,
3. Ministry Training,
4. Leadership Development,
5. Reevaluation and Separation,
6. Leadership Participation,
7. Consecration and World Vision
Episode 135: Discovering God's Heart for the World, Zambia & Bible Publishing
Randy Foster of Heartland Baptist Fellowship in Harrisonville, MO shares his story of coming to faith after reading a booklet regarding the rapture. Randy then shares how he was discipled, caught a heart for missions in Belarus and quickly found himself leading in the mission. He tells us how God prepared him to preach through ministries such as Backyard Astronomy club.
After a long season of missions work in Zambia, Africa Randy was invited by Brian Hedges of Heartland Baptist Fellowship in Harrisonville, MO to help start a Bible school. Randy is now also trusting God to get the Word of God to the nations through Word First Publishing at Heartland which seeks to print and ship Bibles of various languages to peoples around the world.
Episode 134: Discovering Discipleship and Comparing Scripture with Scripture
Pastor Lee Ridings of Greater Hope Baptist Church in Dallas, GA shares his story of discovering God’s will for his life as well as his heart on the importance of relaying biblical discipleship to the next generation. Lee shares what coming to faith in Christ looked like for him, how he began to grow in the faith and how meeting a pastoral mentor brought his attention to a need for biblical exegesis.
Pastor Mark Trotter helped Lee to grow into the husband, father, discipler and expository preacher he is today. It is Lee's heart to prayerfully and successfully relay a genuine walk with Christ to the next generation together with his local church.
Episode 133: Identity, Truth & Vishal Mangalwadi
Vishal Mangalwadi is a world-renowned Christian philosopher and author of over 20 books, including “This Book Changed Everything: The Bible’s Amazing Impact on Our World.” In this episode, Vishal shares his testimony of coming to faith in Jesus after an earnest search for absolute truth in both religion and philosophy.
In this search for truth, Vishal came to the realization that modern philosophical skepticism in the West had only reached what Siddhārtha Gautama (The Buddha) had taught more than 2,000 years earlier.
In this episode, Vishal traces the history of skeptical thought from east to west from influential individuals like Buddha, David Hume, and even Kurt Cobain. Vishal demonstrates how genuine hope, purpose, and progress can only come to a person or nation that remains rooted in truth.
Vishal shows us where fatalist and relativistic thought lead to and why the West will never see lasting fruit outside of the absolute truth that mankind was created in God's image, lost that image by sin, and can only regain it through a real relationship with the Creator, Jesus Christ.
Can we know truth? Can we trust the Bible? These are questions we find answers to in this episode of The Postscript.
Short #5: Chris Nunan
We hear Living Faith Bible Institute student Chris Nunan's testimony. He shares how he came to faith at the age of seven. Going to a new city for college he found himself at a new church with a familiar friend, Mark Trotter. Chris tells us how God prepared him to play a critical role on the discipleship team of a new work led by Pastor Matt Braucher in Columbus, Ohio at Northside Baptist Church.
Short #4: Brooke Sidebottom
Student of Living Faith Bible Institute Brooke Sidebottom shares her story of how God took her from Kansas City to being part of a church-planting team in Boston, MA. She shares how God helped her grow into the mission-minded believer that she is today. She also updates us on what God is doing now at Living Faith Boston just a couple of years after the initial launch.
Short #3: George French
Pastor George French shares how God called him out of a nominal faith and eventually led him to be a part of planting a church in Laramie, Wyoming. He shares how he discovered Living Faith Bible Institute and how God is using it in his life.
Short #2: Larry Nguyen
Living Faith Bible Institute student Larry Nguyen shares his testimony of coming to faith in Jesus. He also tells us what it was like growing up in the Northeast, a diverse neighborhood of Kansas City, Missouri. Lastly, he shares what God has done in family members’ lives as an answer of prayer in addition to how God is preparing him for next steps in leadership in Friends of Internationals ministry at Midtown Baptist Temple.
Short #1: Nick Hatton
Living Faith Bible Institute student Nick Hatton shares his story of how he came to faith in Christ after hitting rock bottom. We hear about his roles at Midtown Baptist Temple in Kansas City, MO on the Discipleship Team and in the College and Young Adult Class. Lastly he tells us his personal vision for the future as he remains grounded and active in ministry at his local church.