The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.
Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple
New episodes of the Postscript release weekly
Episode Finder:
Episode 92: Mission To India, Grace & Stories From The Field
In this episode we interview a beloved friend & missionary of 15 years to India. We hear how he received the missionary call. He recounts many testimonies from the field. Lastly we hear his short-list of favorite books on the topic of World Missions.
Episode 87: Beyond Covid, Foreign Response & The Future of Missions
In this episode we interview Missions professor James Fyffe regarding lasting effects of Covid on the church & world. How will missions potentially change moving forward & what should the disciple of Christ be prepared for in a post-Covid world?
Episode 70: Being American in London & The Mission in a Post-Christian Society
Brian speaks about the high church, low church & the true church. Then, we hear what motivates him to keep preaching in the face of opposition.
Episode 38: Bible Translation, Heart Languages & The Need for Faith-Based Linguists
We speak specifically here about the complex work of translating the Bible into other languages in order to disciple the nations.
Episode 37: Word First Publishing, Bible Conference & The Need to Print Bibles
Word First Publishing is a ministry that takes on projects to print, assemble and send Bibles to works of need throughout the country and world.
Episode 21: A Marriage of Ministries, The Mission in Malawi & Martin’s Biscuits
In this episode of the Postscript, Brandon interviews Pastor Mark Trotter of One Baptist, discussing the work of training pastors in Malawi, Africa. Listen to Mark's heart as he describes the journey of how he came to see Malawi as the new frontier of his ministry life.
Episode 14: Pastoral Calling, Bible Study & Church Planting
In this week's episode of the Postscript, Brandon interviews Pastor Dan Reneau of Living Faith Lee's Summit and instructor at Living Faith Bible Institute. In this episode we discuss his testimony and how he came to a place where he believed he was called to pastoral leadership. We also discuss how the church in Lee's Summit, MO was planted and how God has used simple faithfulness to establish disciples.