Biblical Counseling Lab 2 (LIVE ONLY)



In this course, students will learn how to apply the skills they have learned from the Introduction to Biblical Counseling course and Biblical Counseling Lab 1. This course presents students with a series of lectures and reading assignments that address acute relational issues (interpersonal, familial, and marital). It also provides students with role-playing counseling excercises intended to build confidence and strengthen biblical counseling methods.

* Please note that this class is LIVE ONLY. Live participation is required for all lab-based courses because interactivity is critical to the final grade.


Course Level: Elective - 1 Credit Hour

January 11th - March 1st

Location: 8:00 AM CST // Time: Annex West

Instructor: Jonathan Kindler and Josh O’Hora Midtown Baptist Temple

Prerequisites: The Foundations series of classes (Foundations 1, 2, and 3 and Freshman Orientation); Introduction to Biblical Counseling


Prayer & Worship


Missions 3: Church Planting