Baptist History
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course deals with important moments and people that helped shape the theology and tradition of Baptists. This course explores Baptistic distinctives throughout church history and what can be learned from the moments, men, methods, and means within the Baptistic heritage.
Worldview & Biblical Reasoning
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course will expose the fallacies of man’s philosophy and teach and equip students on how to understand and defend a logical, biblical worldview in a post-Christian world.
Emotional Victory (LIVE ONLY)
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // Emotions are a God-given part of life; however, when they control us or we deny them, we can set ourselves up for both spiritual and physical defeat. In this course we look at ways to resolve conflict, anxiety, fear, depression, anger, bitterness, deception, and guilt by using the promises of scripture.
Biblical Counseling Lab 2 (LIVE ONLY)
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course presents students with a series of lectures and reading assignments that address acute relational issues (interpersonal, familial, and marital). It also provides students with role-playing counseling exercises intended to build confidence and strengthen biblical counseling methods.
Missions 3: Church Planting
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This class will provide students with essential biblical concepts, methodologies and best practices associated with the process and preparation of planting churches.
The Biblically Principled Church
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course focuses on instilling in the pastor or church leader a biblically principled approach to ministry that sets ministers free to own the work of evangelism, discipleship, and ministry service.
World Religions & Cults
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // Paul warns repeatedly in the epistles of false teachers and fables intended to lead people astray. This class is intended to give students an overview of the major false religions and cults in our world today.
Baptist History
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course deals with important moments and people that helped shape the theology and tradition of Baptists. This course explores Baptistic distinctives throughout church history and what can be learned from the moments, men, methods, and means within the Baptistic heritage.
Missions 2: Movements & Cultures
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // We will look at the impact that missionaries and the word of God have had on cultures and how countries develop and how technology has changed our approach to missions.
Life of Paul
ELECTIVE // 2 credit hours // This class is a biblically grounded, analytical study of Paul the apostle aiming to aid the student in interacting with the historical life of Paul.
Biblical Counseling Lab 1
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course is a follow-up to the Intro to Biblical Counseling Course. In this course, we will be applying the knowledge from that course, as well as the Self-Confrontation material, to work through counseling vignettes.
Homiletics Lab 1
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // In this course we will be introducing students to the processes and heart posture associated with preparing and presenting a sermon.
Youth Ministry
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course will cover the topic of ministering to teens in the local church. Students will learn about how to envision, initiate, develop, and oversee youth ministries.
Siervos y Lideres
ELECTIVE // 1 crédito hora // Este curso se enfoca en el líder siervo en una iglesia por medio de los que dice Marcos 8-11, donde vemos que servimos a Dios y debemos liderar a otros a hacer lo mismo.
The Biblically Principled Church
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // This course focuses on instilling in the pastor or church leaders a biblically principled approach to ministry that sets ministers free to own the work of evangelism, discipleship, and ministry service.
World Religions & Cults
ELECTIVE // 1 credit hour // Paul warns repeatedly in the epistles of false teachers and fables intended to lead people astray. This class is intended to give students an overview of the major false religions and cults in our world today.
Life of Paul
ELECTIVE // 2 CREDITS // This class is a biblically grounded, analytical study of Paul the apostle aiming to aid the student in interacting with the historical life of Paul.
World Religions & Cults
ELECTIVE // 1 CREDIT // Paul warns repeatedly in the epistles of false teachers and fables intended to lead people astray. This class is intended to give students an overview of the major false religions and cults in our world today.
Emotional Victory (LIVE ONLY)
ELECTIVE // 1 CREDIT // Emotions are a God-given part of life; however, when they control us or we deny them, we can set ourselves up for both spiritual and physical defeat. In this course we look at ways to resolve conflict, anxiety, fear, depression, anger, bitterness, deception, and guilt by using the promises of scripture.