The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.

Pastor Brandon Briscoe Postscript podcast

Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple

New episodes of the Postscript release weekly

Episode Finder:

Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 208: Facing Fears & Taking Risks in Ministry

Many Bible students believe that Timothy was only 16 years old when he left home to follow the Apostle Paul in the work of church planting. It's hard to believe that someone so young would commit to something so big. What kind of mindset would be required for such a young man to make such an important decision? Can you imagine the fears that he and his parents had to overcome to get to that place? What did Timothy have to risk in order to see God use him in such a mighty way? We have become risk averse in the evangelical church today.

We fear what we can't see, and we are prone to dreaming small. We prefer comfort to victory. Many of us are stagnant in our ministry because we fear saying yes to the call of God on our lives. But what makes us risk averse? How is it that we've gotten to this place? How do we as individuals, and churches, overcome tiny thinking and instead come to a place of true sacrifice and service? On today's show, Provost of The Living Faith Bible Institute Brandon Briscoe has invited Jonathan Kindler, faculty professor of Biblical Counseling & Spiritual Formation at LFBI, to discuss what it means to overcome fear in our ministry.


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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 193: What to Do with Anger and Resentment

As far as psychology is concerned, anger is perhaps the most complex and least understood human emotion. We know the anger is necessary. It's an emotion that gives us drive, it makes us competitive, and it motivates us to overcome tough situations. We know that anger can also cause turmoil. it can be explosive and cause destruction in our families, our relationships, our workplaces, and even in our churches. So how do we know when anger is appropriate or inappropriate? How should we carry anger? How should we respond to it when we feel it boiling up? How do we know when we should express anger outwardly or deal with it internally? We’ll answer these questions and many more on today’s show.


Purchase A Path Well Lit: A Theology & Philosophy of Biblical Counseling by Brandon Briscoe and Jonathan Kindler at

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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 186: How to Build a Biblical Counseling Ministry in Your Church

Therapy and psychoanalytic forms of counseling are a billion dollar industry in the United States. There are millions of Christians every year who are looking for help with their emotional and behavioral problems from non-Christian counselors. These are people who have no biblical interest or spiritual insight and are in fact in many cases hostile to our faith. Even Christian counselors are often not biblical in their approach, and and sometimes encourage their counselees to deconstruct their faith and train them and teach them to deflect their issues back onto the church - the church that maybe has loved them and cared for them over the years but somehow has become a problem. There are many Christian counselors who practice in this manner.

Counseling as an industry itself is intended to self-perpetuate by keeping people locked into normalizing their problems so that there is no way of having absolute victory over reckoning things in their life and finding the solution they need.

Today, we want to ask the questions, "what if the church reclaimed its responsibility to counsel the hurting people within their churches?" and, "what if the local church was trained and prepared to receive the hurting, and no longer had to refer hurting congregants outside of the church to find help.” We've invited professional counselor and faculty professor of biblical counseling at Living Faith Bible Institute, Jonathan Kindler, to sit down with us and to have a conversation about what it looks like for the church to take back the role of counselor. Specifically, we discuss both the need for the church to counsel its own members together with a Bible principle guided framework for doing so.


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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 152: Dealing With Addiction

We continue our biblical counseling series with professor of Biblical Counseling, Jonathan Kindler. This time we talk about addictive thought and behavior patterns, discussing biblical pathways for breaking free from sin strong holds. Furthermore, we answer questions like, is addiction just a chronic illness that can only be managed? And, how do we lovingly counsel and offer real hope to those around us who feel defeated?


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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 142: Dealing with Grief and Loss

In this episode of the Postscript, we sit down with Professor of Biblical Counseling Jonathan Kindler to discuss what it looks like to deal with loss and grief in a biblical manner. Grief is a universal experience, but not everyone walks through emotional pain in a way that is healthy. Jonathan shares with us how to identify grief in our life as well as to acknowledge if we have failed to grieve in a biblical way. He also provides steps with how to handle our grief as it rises up, sometimes in unexpected ways.


To purchase A Path Well Lit; A Theology & Philosophy of Biblical Counseling visit

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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 130: Counseling Marriages Biblically

We continue our series with Jonathan Kindler, LFBI professor of Biblical Counseling, to discuss the topic of marriage. We briefly address underlying thoughts, behaviors and patterns that manifest in common presenting issues. We discuss what it looks like to counsel couples according to God’s purpose and plan, beginning with the gospel. Lastly, we touch on how a biblically sound relationship functions and what intimacy looks like for the married couple who’s main goal is to glorify Christ.

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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 117: The Cult of Happiness

In this episode we speak with LFBI professor and professional counselor Jonathan Kindler regarding therapeutic culture and America’s obsession with finding personal happiness. Despite a pervasive mental health culture, why is depression and anxiety at an all time high? In this episode we reveal a better pursuit: joy and a divine mission.

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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 98: Fear, Anxiety & Finding Confidence in the Lord

In this episode with LFBI professor & professional counsellor Jon Kindler we address several key questions on the topic of fear — What is its place in our life? Is there a spiritual component to fear? What are the broken mechanisms we use to cope with fear in the flesh that always fail in time? What happens when fear goes unchecked by truth?

Lastly, we see what God’s Word says about dealing with fear. This leads us to a spiritual walk marked by freedom in faith by the power of God.

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