The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.

Pastor Brandon Briscoe Postscript podcast

Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple

New episodes of the Postscript release weekly

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Church History The Postscript Show Church History The Postscript Show

Episode 220: King James I of England, the Authorized Version of the Bible & the Translation Process

Since the inception of The Postscript, we have been meeting with Pastor Greg Axe, Church History instructor at the Living Faith Bible Institute, to discuss just that, the history of the church and God's work in the world through his people.

The last few times we met, we chatted about Europe during the Reformation and then the Counter-Reformation. We've discussed quite a cast of characters over the last few episodes: Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, Bloody Mary, Queen Elizabeth, but today we want to discuss King James, King of England and Scotland at the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century.

King James was undoubtedly a flawed man. His legacy as king is marked by peace, unity and general prosperity, as well as the sins of an unrighteous man. Even greater than these strengths and also his weaknesses, was God's determination to accomplish an incomprehensible work, a translation of the Bible that would ultimately change the whole world. 


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Episode 216: With God on Our Side: The Dangers of Claiming Providence with Dr. Thomas Kidd

In the song “With God on Our Side,” Bob Dylan famously criticized the American predilection to confidently claim that our personal and political endeavors are touched by God, “Oh, my name, it ain't nothin', my age, it means less. The country I come from is called the Midwest. I's taught and brought up there, the laws to abide. And that the land that I live in has God on its side.”

Now Dylan is no theologian, but he does highlight an interesting dilemma, and he causes us to ask some serious questions. What do we make of claims in politics and culture, that God favors a particular side or position? What makes these claims credible and what makes them dangerous? How does a Christian truly discern if God has providentially aligned himself with a man, a movement, and institution or a cause?

Today on the Postscript we will be discussing this subject from the perspective of history. What can be learned from observing historic instances in which people, Christians in particular, have made the claim that God was on their side?

To have this discussion, we have invited Dr. Thomas Kidd, Research Professor of Church History at Midwestern and the John and Sharon Yeats Endowed Chair of Baptist Studies. He has written numerous books on church history and Baptist history. 

Read Dr. Kidd’s book God of Liberty: A Religious History of the American Revolution

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Episode 211: The Birth of the Anabaptists

We all have that family member who is obsessed with the family tree, perhaps that uncle or that aunt that knows the exact year that your family immigrated to the United States. Family members like this help us to understand our history and heritage and have a stronger personal identity.

What about our faith lineage? What about our spiritual history, the legacy of those that helped establish the worldview that we often take for granted? Knowing our heritage as Baptists is an important and worthwhile endeavor.

On today's show, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute Brandon Briscoe sits down with Jim Alter, pastor of Grace Baptist Church of Sidney, Ohio. Jim is the co-founder and editor of the Ancient Baptist Press. Jim is also the coauthor of a book called Why Baptist? The Significance of Baptist Principles in an Ecumenical Age.



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Episode 194: The Baptist Influence on Religious Liberty

Is America a Christian nation? Where do Baptists come from and what significance do they hold in the history of our nation? What does it mean to be a Baptist today in our contemporary world?

In this episode, host Brandon Briscoe sits down with Jim Alter, pastor of Grace Baptist Church of Sidney, Ohio to ask these questions and to explore how Baptists influenced our forefathers to frame our constitution with religious liberty in mind.

Pastor Alter is co-founder and editor of the Ancient Baptist Press, and he's also the founder, curator and lecturer for a traveling exhibition called Purified Seven Times, which is devoted to educating people about the history of our English Bible. Jim is also coauthor of the book Why Baptist? The Significance of Baptist Principles in an Ecumenical Age.

Purchase Why Baptist -

Visit to learn more about Jim Alter's ministry.

Visit to sign up for Baptist History and other courses at Living Faith Bible Institute.

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Episode 187: The Legacies of J. Frank Norris & George W. Truett with O. S. Hawkins

The history of Baptists in the United States is a long and convoluted story of victory and failure, unity and division, momentum, and decline. But, if we pay attention to the stories of those individual leaders within the movement, we discover a very important lesson – namely, that when men are full of faith in God and his word, and fearlessly preach it, they can be mightily used for the kingdom of God. Conversely, men who trade truth for pragmatism or divide the body of Christ for their own righteous causes, will often do more to harm the kingdom then

Today we have invited O. S. Hawkins, former pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas and the Chancellor and Senior Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Evangelism at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to discuss two historic Baptist pastors that serve to help us heed these lessons.

Hawkins is the author of over 50 books, including the book we will be considering today, In the Name of God: The Colliding Lives, Legends and Legacies of J. Frank Norris and George W. Truett.


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Episode 180: Bloody Mary and Queen Elizabeth

We continue our series on church history with pastor Greg Axe, author of “Church History”. Last time, we talked about the actions of King Henry VIII severing the ties between the Church of Rome with the (Anglican) Church of England. Today we will discuss Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth, two rulers with different approaches to leadership and with very different religious views. 


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Episode 173: Henry The VIII’s Obsession & The Birth of The Anglican Church

Throughout the length of our podcast we have been doing episodes devoted to understanding history, particularly the history of the church, from a biblical perspective. Last time we came together on this topic was Episode 156, where we discussed the Counter Reformation and the Catholic Church’s struggle to reclaim its authority during the 16th and 17th Century. This week we are going to build on our ongoing narrative by chatting about Henry the VIII, King of England (1509-1547). Henry represents for us a serious turning of power in England away from the authority of the church which of course led to the establishment of the Church of England. And of course, our guide on this journey through church history. For this conversation we welcome back author of Church History: A Biblical Perspective, Greg Axe.


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Episode 156: The Counter Reformation & The Council of Trent

Over the last couple of years on the Postscript, we have been walking through the history of the Church. The last few episodes on this subject, we have been discussing the Reformation. We have discussed Jan Hus, John Wycliffe, Martin Luther and the Anabaptists.

Today we are sitting down with pastor and Church History instructor Greg Axe to discuss the Counter Reformation. We set the context with the setting, particularly the age of European exploration and expansion couple with two key Catholic players, Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits (1534 AD) and Pope Paul III, overseer of the Council of Trent (1545 AD).

In this conversation, we discuss the ways in which the Roman Catholic Church sought to entrench its reformers against the Church as official enemies of the state by the authority of the Council of Trent, giving the Catholic Church the right to anathematize people in over 100 instances - which council stands today as one of the most foundational doctrinal documents of the Catholic Church.


Purchase Church History: A Biblical Perspective at

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Episode 149: The Anabaptists & A Heritage of Biblical Discipleship

We continue our church history series with Pastor Greg Axe of Crest Bible Church, who is also the professor of Church History at Living Faith Bible Institute. Greg is the author of Church History: A Biblical Perspective, which can be found on Amazon.

Today we discuss the Anabaptists of the 16th century, their origins, doctrines, culture, and their legacy of biblical discipleship.


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Episode 128: Martin Luther & the Reformation

We continue our church history series with Pastor Greg Axe of Crest Bible Church. We discuss the man often recognized as the key player of the Reformation, Martin Luther. We begin with his upbringing and salvation experience, and then discuss his unrest with the Roman Catholic Church, the 95 theses, as well as the ensuing debate and persecution. We also discuss Luther's influence after his escape to Germany and the translation of the Bible into German.

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Episode 126: The Pioneers of the Reformation

In this episode, we continue our conversation on church history with pastor Greg Axe of Crest Bible Church. This time, we look at the conditions that paved the way for the Reformation, including further corruption in the Church of Rome, as well as the positive factors. We also look at the lives of John Wycliffe and John Huss, as well as their contributions to getting the Bible into the hands of the common man.

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Episode 122: The Spanish Inquisition & its Cultural Residue

We continue our conversation with LFBI professor and author of Church History, Greg Axe. This time we cover the Spanish Inquisition — the false trial and slaughter of tens of thousands of people for the purpose of political control. We look at key players like King Ferdinand, Isabella, and the “heretics” tortured and murdered under the pretense of Christ’s kingdom.

Buy Greg Axe’s book “Church History” at

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Episode 118: The Inquisition, Papal "Bull" & The Hunt for Heretics

We continue our conversation on Church History with LFBI professor and pastor of Crest Bible Church Greg Axe. This time we cover the Inquisition of the Medieval Roman Catholic Church around the 13th and 14th centuries. We address what “heretic” means and how that concept was re-interpreted by the Catholic authorities of the time. We learn their strategy for “purifying” Europe of those who fell outside the bounds of their religious dogma.

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Episode 96: The Crusades Pt 2: Persistent Failure & Fallacy

In this episode we continue our discussion on the crusades with pastor Greg Axe the LFBI professor of Church History. We see how Augustine's City of God laid the doctrinal foundation of Roman Catholic rules for "holy war," along with modern-day ramifications of this ensuing doctrine. We briefly look into the lives of men & boys of the crusades like Bernard of Clairvaux, Saladin, Richard the Lionheart, Stephen of Cloyes & Nicholas of Cologne. Lastly, we consider the horrific Children's Crusade in which 30,000 children marched to their death or enslavement just before another 20,000 did the same.

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Episode 95: The Crusades Pt. 1: Setting The Stage

In this episode we continue our discussion on Church History with pastor Greg Axe. We begin with the medieval cultural conditions that set the stage for the crusades. We talk about a few key characters: Peter the Hermit, Godfrey of Buillon & Walter the Penniless. We conclude by addressing why the crusades never actually ended.

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Episode 4: Constantine the bishop of bishops, nicea & a perverted union

In Episode 4 we interview Pastor Greg Axe of Crest Bible Church and professor of Church History and Eschatology at Living Faith Bible Institute. In this episode Greg and Brandon discuss Constantine’s unification of the Roman Empire under his newly-founded state religion and how what first appeared to be relief to persecuted Christians gave way to further conundrums.

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