The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.
Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple
New episodes of the Postscript release weekly
Episode Finder:
Episode 155: The Lost Art of Public Invitation with Dr. Scott Pace
In this episode with Dr. Scott Pace, Dean of The College at Southeastern and Vice President for Undergraduate Studies we discuss the widely lost art of invitational ministry, particularly the work of calling growing leaders to fulfill their potential as pastors or missionaries.
Buy Scott Pace’s coauthored book, Calling Out the Called: Discipling Those Called to Ministry Leadership at
Episode 69: The Significance Of Suffering, Spiritual Fathers & Seeing Souls
We discuss hardships, spiritual healing & how God gave Pastor Brandon Briscoe a heart to evangelize & be a spiritual father.
Episode 61: The Pastor’s Job Description, Priorities & Leadership
In this first episode of three with Pastor Sam Miles of Midtown Baptist Temple, we discuss what is required of the pastor in terms of leadership. We look at the necessities of casting a clear vision, prioritizing the pulpit ministry & leading the congregation to prayer. A great episode to inspire pastors and those who desire the office.
Episode 27: A Baptist Heritage, A Missions Mind & All the Audio Cassettes You Can Handle
In Episode 27 of the Postscript we introduce you to Pastor/Missionary Brian Clark of Crossroads Baptist Church in London, England. He tells us about his journey toward the pastorate and the mission field. Brian's story telling and humor makes for an entertaining and compelling testimony of obedience and Biblical discovery.
Episode 13: Integrity, Consistency & Character in Leadership
In episode 13 of the Postscript we continue our interview series with Pastor Alan Shelby of Harvest Baptist Church and the President of Living Faith Bible Institute. In this episode we ask him to look back on forty years of ministry to provide us with both warning and encouragement. We discuss the character of a believer and how to have vision for future ministry. A powerful and compelling conversation that is sure to strengthen you.