The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.


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Prayer The Postscript Show Prayer The Postscript Show

Episode 170: The Problem with Contemplative Prayer

One of the greatest deficiencies in American Christianity is genuine prayerfulness, a failure to acknowledge a very real need to commune and communicate with God. It is clear in Scripture that the discipline of prayer is critical to the health of the believer but also the mission of God and how He responds to us as we speak with Him. In an effort to cultivate a culture of prayer in the Church, many theologians have written extensively on the subject of calling on the Lord in prayer. They have advocated and promoted churches and people turning to the Lord in the work of prayer. With that said, there are many theologians who have advocated for what is called "contemplative prayer," a form of prayer that focuses on the emptying of the conscious mind and on embracing the mystery of God.

We have invited President of Living Faith Bible Institute, Sam Miles to discuss this approach to prayer. Today we will be asking: What problems are there with contemplative or centering prayer? Does it honestly reflect prayer what the Bible says about prayer?


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Prayer The Postscript Show Prayer The Postscript Show

Episode 105: The Value of Corporate Prayer

In this episode we invited Pastor Sam Miles of Midtown Baptist Temple to share his stories about corporate prayer. He gives us insight into what initiated the need for a weekly corporate prayer meeting and tells us all the ways in which God has used it. He also discusses how the ministry has changed over time and what he has learned about the character of God over the years of praying with his church family.

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