Episode 221: What is the Identity of the Two Witnesses in Revelation?

In Revelation 11, we are given a depiction of the second half of the tribulation, the moment in the end times narrative where two men, two prophets, will be used to open the eyes of the Jewish people to the reality that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.

Revelation 11:3 says, “And I will give [power] unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred [and] threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.”

These two witnesses will spend three and a half years performing miracles like the prophets and apostles of old – with command over the weather, power over plagues, the ability to breathe fire, and will even be raised from the dead!

These two unnamed men, called “olive trees” in Zechariah 4, stand tall as central figures in the story of Israel’s redemption and the second advent of Christ – but who are they? Can we know? Is it important to our understanding of the Bible?
To chat about the identity of the two witnesses, provost Brandon Briscoe has invited Sam Miles, president of the Living Faith Bible Institute and biblical studies instructor, onto the show.

For more information on the Living Faith Bible Institute and its program of study:


Biblical Anthropology — Rational Mind