The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.

Pastor Brandon Briscoe Postscript podcast

Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple

New episodes of the Postscript release weekly

Episode Finder:

Hermeneutics The Postscript Show Hermeneutics The Postscript Show

Episode 221: What is the Identity of the Two Witnesses in Revelation?

In Revelation 11, we are given a depiction of the second half of the tribulation, the moment in the end times narrative where two men, two prophets, will be used to open the eyes of the Jewish people to the reality that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.

Revelation 11:3 says, “And I will give [power] unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred [and] threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.”

These two witnesses will spend three and a half years performing miracles like the prophets and apostles of old – with command over the weather, power over plagues, the ability to breathe fire, and will even be raised from the dead!

These two unnamed men, called “olive trees” in Zechariah 4, stand tall as central figures in the story of Israel’s redemption and the second advent of Christ – but who are they? Can we know? Is it important to our understanding of the Bible?
To chat about the identity of the two witnesses, provost Brandon Briscoe has invited Sam Miles, president of the Living Faith Bible Institute and biblical studies instructor, onto the show.


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Hermeneutics The Postscript Show Hermeneutics The Postscript Show

Episode 214: The Trumpets of Scripture

The trumpet is one of the most often used symbols in all of scripture. We see, particularly in the Old Testament, that the sound of a trump was used to gather an assembly, to call soldiers to war, and to draw people into worship. The Bible presents us with trumpets that call us into Christ’s arms, and trumpets that mark destruction during the tribulation.

How do the trumpets differ, and how do they help us better understand God’s grand design? Today, provost of Living Faith Bible Institute Brandon Briscoe has invited James Fyffe, faculty professor of Missiology at the Living Faith Bible Institute to do a BIble study on the topic of the "trumpets" of Scripture.


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Scripture The Postscript Show Scripture The Postscript Show

Episode 206: Examining Christ’s Miracles & Apparent Contradictions in the Gospels

There are what can feel like an overwhelming amount of skeptics today concerning New Testament scholarship, even within evangelical and Baptist circles. Today on The Postscript we demonstrate a few apparent contradictions in Jesus’s miracles across gospel writers Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, showing how many so-called contradictions in the Bible are dismantled with simple Bible study principles such as context and key words, which illuminate a more holistic picture of the scene than one account could alone. There is purpose behind every apparent contradiction in the Bible that only the earnest and honest student of God’s Word will go the length to understand. Instructor of Biblical Studies at the Living Faith Bible Institute Mitch Dobson and Provost of LFBI Brandon Briscoe walks us through some of those doctrinal insights which are useful for Christian life and ministry as they examine a few apparent contradictions in an exegetical fashion.


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Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 197: II Peter 1, Partaking of Christ’s Divine Nature, Part 2

Justin Trotter of Callie Harbin Baptist Church in Villa Rica, GA comes back on the show today to continue Bible study in II Peter 1 with Brandon Briscoe, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute. Last week, we looked at what it means to grow in faith, virtue, knowledge and temperance. This time we look at the last four characteristics the disciple of Christ is called to mature in: patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity.


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Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 196: II Peter 1, Partaking of Christ’s Divine Nature, Part 1

II Peter 1 presents seven things the believer needs to add to their faith in order to mature in Christlike thought, behavior and speech. The promise of Scripture is that if these seven things are applied properly, the believer will grow in fruitfulness, a relationship with Christ now and an abundant entrance into His kingdom in the future (II Peter 1:8-11). Justin Trotter of Callie Harbin Baptist Church in Villa Rica, GA joins us today to walk through this passage, expounding what it means to grow in faith, virtue, knowledge and temperance. We examine these key components to fruitfully and faithfully living out the Christian life God has purposed for us as believers. In the next episode, we will walk through the last few things in this II Peter 1 list that the believer needs to add to their faith in order to receive a full reward at the judgment seat of Christ.


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Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show

Short #16: Michael Black

We interview student of Living Faith Bible Institute student Michael Black who ministers in Kansas City, Missouri at his local church. Michael shares how Living Faith Bible Institute has and is preparing him to be a fruitful and effective soul winner and missionary in the heart of the city. Michael leads his church's evangelism ministry as well as a growing Bible study on a local college campus with the intention that fruit from that ministry will one day result in a new church plant.

Lastly, as all of our Shorts guests do, Michael tells us his favorite LFBI courses and which Postscript episodes he has gleaned the most from.


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Relationship with God The Postscript Show Relationship with God The Postscript Show

Episode 161: Quiet Time and Growing in Relationship with Christ

We speak with Pastor Kenny Morgan, professor and chair of the Foundations program at LFBI, to talk about the importance of a biblical quiet time in a believer's life. Kenny defines the term "quiet time," and emphasizes its importance in creating the true worshippers the Lord seeks. He speaks on the privilege believers have in holding a personal relationship with God, and how this time of relationship through prayer, worship, and the Word is the most essential part of a Christian's day. He gives examples of what a quiet time might look like, and goes through the warning signs, dangers, and hurdles that may be encountered through quiet time during one's walk with the Lord.


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Hermeneutics The Postscript Show Hermeneutics The Postscript Show

Episode 147: The Key of David

Pastor Justin Trotter of Callie Harbin Baptist Church in Villa Rica, GA joins us to discuss his father Mark Trotter’s book “The Keys of Bible Study: Unlocking Scripture in an Age of Forgotten Truth.”

We focus the conversation on “the key of David” found in Revelation 3:7 and referenced in Isaiah 22:22. Justin explains why his father wrote the book The Keys of Bible Study and what the dangers are to not applying the Bible with a heart of love and reverence for the God of the Bible. In an age of welcoming multiple interpretations as valid, Justin explains why it is that we cannot afford to study God’s book sloppily.


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LFBI The Postscript Show LFBI The Postscript Show

Episode 143: Becoming a Good Student

Youth pastor and Living Faith Bible Institute Professor Jeff Grasher comes on the show to share testimonies and tips on how to build successful student habits. We address the need to directly apply biblical knowledge in the context of ministry and life. We then briefly cover being organized, planned and having a bit of grit in approaching personal study and growth. As an institution, LFBI desires to see students take their studies seriously. Jeff takes time to share how knowing your “why” as a Bible student will drive you forward to finish strong with greater purpose in order to multiply ministry.


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Hermeneutics The Postscript Show Hermeneutics The Postscript Show

Episode 138: The Biblical Principle of Intended Audience

When studying the Bible there are many principles that help us to effectively study the Bible and understand it literally. In this episode we discuss the relationship between speaker and audience when establishing context within scripture.

We also briefly touch on the danger of allegorizing things that are not intended to be allegory and misinterpreting allegory as though it’s literal. We see how soteriology and eschatology are affected negatively by not taking clear Bible distinctions seriously.


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Pastoring The Postscript Show Pastoring The Postscript Show

Episode 134: Discovering Discipleship and Comparing Scripture with Scripture

Pastor Lee Ridings of Greater Hope Baptist Church in Dallas, GA shares his story of discovering God’s will for his life as well as his heart on the importance of relaying biblical discipleship to the next generation. Lee shares what coming to faith in Christ looked like for him, how he began to grow in the faith and how meeting a pastoral mentor brought his attention to a need for biblical exegesis.

Pastor Mark Trotter helped Lee to grow into the husband, father, discipler and expository preacher he is today. It is Lee's heart to prayerfully and successfully relay a genuine walk with Christ to the next generation together with his local church.

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Bible Study The Postscript Show Bible Study The Postscript Show

Episode 123: Hebrews Q&A with Brian Clark

This week’s episode is with Pastor Brian Clark of Crossroads Baptist Church in London, England. It is a question and answer session for the course “Hebrews” in Living Faith Bible Institute. Brian answers questions from students, with the intention of presenting the book's application and demystifying it doctrinally.

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