Episode 223: How to Deal with Failure in Ministry

Ministry is often portrayed as a calling, as it should be filled with purpose, impact, and divine fulfillment. Yet the reality for many pastors, missionaries, and church leaders is that gospel ministry comes with seasons of deep discouragement and often failure. Learning to recover from errors in judgment and feelings of failure and fruitlessness is absolutely crucial for someone's leadership, not just for our own personal well-being, but also for sustaining long term faithfulness in the work of the ministry.

Too often, leaders internalize their setbacks as a sign that God has rejected them, but failure does not mean the end of ministry. Failure can be the very place where growth and deeper faith in Christ begins. In today's episode, we talk with Pastor Mitch Dobson, Biblical Studies Instructor of the Living Faith Institute, to explore these difficult yet transformative moments, turning to the Scriptures to remind us of God’s promises during these critical times in life and ministry.

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