The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.
Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple
New episodes of the Postscript release weekly
Episode Finder:
Episode 223: How to Deal with Failure in Ministry
Ministry is often portrayed as a calling, as it should be filled with purpose, impact, and divine fulfillment. Yet the reality for many pastors, missionaries, and church leaders is that gospel ministry comes with seasons of deep discouragement and often failure. Learning to recover from errors in judgment and feelings of failure and fruitlessness is absolutely crucial for someone's leadership, not just for our own personal well-being, but also for sustaining long term faithfulness in the work of the ministry.
Too often, leaders internalize their setbacks as a sign that God has rejected them, but failure does not mean the end of ministry. Failure can be the very place where growth and deeper faith in Christ begins. In today's episode, we talk with Pastor Mitch Dobson, Biblical Studies Instructor of the Living Faith Institute, to explore these difficult yet transformative moments, turning to the Scriptures to remind us of God’s promises during these critical times in life and ministry.
Episode 219: Preparing to Plant a Church in Kosovo & Lessons Learned from a Missions Internship in Albania
We have made a habit over the years of inviting church planters and missionaries onto The Postscript to share their testimony, along with the twists and turns of the work of church planting, which is not an easy endeavor. One such church planter is Vinnie Nigro and his wife, Megan, of First Baptist Church in New Philadelphia, Ohio. Brandon Briscoe, the provost of Living Faith Bible Institute, has invited missionary Vincent Nigro to discuss the many ways God has shaped his heart for the mission field, as well as how he discovered Kosovo, the predominantly Muslim nation which he intends to plant a church.
Episode 213: Unknown Missionary William Whiting Borden
Today, as a continuation of the Unknown Missionary series on The Postscript, we discuss the intriguing testimony and life (1887-1913) of missionary William Whiting Borden. Borden was a rich young man with incredible intellect and aptitude who gave everything he had for the cause of Christ. Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute Brandon Briscoe has invited James Fyffe, former missionary and faculty professor of Missiology at the Living Faith Bible Institute to have this conversation. Visit
Episode 199: Preparing to Plant a Church in Nairobi, Kenya
This week on The Postscript, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute, Brandon Briscoe, interviews Myles Cheadle who is currently (2024) raising support to go as a missionary-pastor to Nairobi, Kenya. Myles shares his testimony of salvation and how God has prepared him in ministry at Midtown Baptist Temple in Kansas City, MO. We then discuss how he became aware of the mission field in Nairobi and how God opened his heart to going. Myles and his family are currently raising support to move to Nairobi, Kenya to shepherd a growing body of faithful believers. Along with his wife, Myles intends to transition to Nairobi full time in January 2025.
Episode 191: Horvaths to Hungary, Learning the Culture & Three Years of Church Planting
Graduate of Living Faith Bible Institute, church planter, and missionary Kale Horvath, joins us again to give an update on the new church plant growth in Budapest, Hungary, including personal testimonies from the first few years on the mission field.
Kale moved his family to Budapest, Hungary as missionaries in December of 2020, in the middle of Covid quarantines (lockdowns). Kale shares what challenges they faced, including: landing during a pandemic, getting a visa during the shutdown, learning a new (foreign) language, preaching with a Hungarian Bible to people of Hungarian culture, praying for & finding a church building, learning to effectively evangelize in a new culture and finding schools and education for Kale and Brooke’s children.
Kale walks us through how the Living Faith Bible Institute and ministry service in his local church (youth pastoring) built him into a minister ready for missions work. He served on staff at First Baptist Church as the youth pastor from 2015-2019. Kale and Brooke first visited Hungary in 2014, and returned annually until moving to Budapest in 2020.
Kale & Brooke have ministered through short trips in Hungary since 2014 through summer camps for kids and sharing the gospel. By the end of 2023 into early January, the Horvath’s had officially planted Zuglói Biblia Gyülekezet (Zugló Bible Church) in the fourteenth district of Budapest, Hungary.
Finally, Kale gives a glimpse into a book he is authoring which is meant to help those who are deconstructing or have deconstructed their faith. In the book, he gives the biblical handles a believer needs to actively engage in faith and grow closer to God and his people.
Visit to learn more about the Horvath’s church ministry in Budapest, Hungary.
Episode 187: The Legacies of J. Frank Norris & George W. Truett with O. S. Hawkins
The history of Baptists in the United States is a long and convoluted story of victory and failure, unity and division, momentum, and decline. But, if we pay attention to the stories of those individual leaders within the movement, we discover a very important lesson – namely, that when men are full of faith in God and his word, and fearlessly preach it, they can be mightily used for the kingdom of God. Conversely, men who trade truth for pragmatism or divide the body of Christ for their own righteous causes, will often do more to harm the kingdom then
Today we have invited O. S. Hawkins, former pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas and the Chancellor and Senior Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Evangelism at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to discuss two historic Baptist pastors that serve to help us heed these lessons.
Hawkins is the author of over 50 books, including the book we will be considering today, In the Name of God: The Colliding Lives, Legends and Legacies of J. Frank Norris and George W. Truett.
Episode 184: Unknown Missionary Henry Martyn
We continue our unknown missionary series with Professor of Missiology James Fyffe. This time we trace the conversion and missions work of Henry Martyn (1781-1812). Henry left a life of comfort and ease in the West to labor for 6 short and meaningful years in the work of Bible translation and evangelism. His legacy is felt most today from the Middle East all the way through India where his Bibles are still being used for gospel and discipleship-centered church planting movements. Henry shows us believers what it means to burn bright for the Lord Jesus Christ, heeding the call to world missions.
Episode 177: Church Planting and the Need for Adaptation
We speak with pastor Mark Schaffer to hear his testimony and the story of how God led him to plant a church in Tampa, Florida. He speaks about the development of his team and the challenges they have faced over the past 9 years as they have discovered their particular place in the city and ministries to match the culture. Lastly, Mark shares how the church's identity has shifted during the church-planting process. Living Faith Tampa is now a fully established church on a mission to reach the nations, with the goal of planting many churches near and abroad.
Episode 175: Unknown Missionary Peter Waldo & the Waldensians
Pastor and professor of missiology James Fyffe returns to continue our “Unknown Missionary” series. This time we discuss the history of the Waldensians, an Italian group of mission-minded Bible believers severely persecuted for their faith. We cover their core doctrines, methods of evangelism and legacy which included a church-planting movement spanning 400 years.
Episode 163: Unknown Missionary Narcissa Whitman
We discuss the life of missionary Narcissa Whitman with James Fyffe, professor of missiology at the Living Faith Bible Institute. Narcissa moved West with the gospel in the 1800's at a time women were not commonly going to the mission field. We discuss the hurdles she faced and how she went to the Cayuse and the Nez Percé tribes with the intention of spreading the gospel. Lastly, we glean principles from an analysis of her journals for supporting sent missionaries from home churches.
Episode 127: Unknown Missionary Columba of Colmcille
We continue our unknown missionary series with James Fyffe, professor of Missiology at Living Faith Bible Institute. This time we cover the life of Columba of Colmcille, an Irish-born missionary credited with a fruitful church planting ministry spanning Ireland and Scotland. We discuss the legends surrounding the man as well as Catholic mythology in the tale of Saint Columba and the banishment of the Loch Ness monster.
Episode 106: A Preface to Mission Focus 2022
In this episode we talk with missionary James Fyffe of Midtown Baptist Temple regarding Mission Focus. We discuss the significance of the great commission for the Church (Matt. 28:18-20 & Acts 1:8), how everyone in the body of Christ has a part and why this conference is prioritized at the first of our calendar year. Lastly, what should we expect from the guest speakers and breakout sessions?
Episode 94: Mission To India, The Virtuous Woman & Men Washing Dishes
In this episode, we sit down with Bethany and talk about her missionary journey thus far. She shares how God used Bible school to grow her in a leadership capacity. She also tells a few stories of how God has been changing lives abroad, including the fun story of how she met her husband in the field.
Episode 92: Mission To India, Grace & Stories From The Field
In this episode we interview a beloved friend & missionary of 15 years to India. We hear how he received the missionary call. He recounts many testimonies from the field. Lastly we hear his short-list of favorite books on the topic of World Missions.
Episode 87: Beyond Covid, Foreign Response & The Future of Missions
In this episode we interview Missions professor James Fyffe regarding lasting effects of Covid on the church & world. How will missions potentially change moving forward & what should the disciple of Christ be prepared for in a post-Covid world?
Episode 84: Modern Missions, Going & "Rope Holding"
In this episode, we talk to James Fyffe, LFBI professor of missiology regarding modern missions. We discuss the lives of missionaries who pioneered gospel ministry in foreign lands amidst great adversity. We also speak about the responsibility of the local church to support the missionary abroad.
Episode 72: A Postscript Tribute to Mark Trotter
Pastor Trotter had a huge impact on LFBI and LFF. We take highlights from interviews as well as sermons to share why he was a special servant of Christ.
Episode 49: A Calling, A Season of Trial & Finding the Mission in Boston
In this episode Pastor Mike Reneau shares his story of how he became a missionary sent out from Midtown Baptist Temple with a team. We retrace Mike’s steps through a few highs and lows and see how God used it all to build his character. Mike shares with us how he came to a point of total dependance on God in prayer as well as how God opened his eyes to the mission-field of Boston, MA.
Episode 40: The Mission to Muslims, Important Distinctions & Common Ground for Conversation
Pastor/Missionary James Fyffe draws from his experiences ministering in Pakistan to guide us in how to share our faith with our Muslim friends. He discusses distinctions between the Abrahamic faiths, major differences in perspective on Christ and in roads for gospel conversation. We hope this episode encourages you to have faith to engage Islamic believers with the gospel.