The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.

Pastor Brandon Briscoe Postscript podcast

Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple

New episodes of the Postscript release weekly

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Living Faith Books The Postscript Show Living Faith Books The Postscript Show

Episode 204: Prodigals and a Heart to Reconcile and Restore the Wandering Soul

Today, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute Brandon Briscoe discusses a new book with author John Wright, Prodigals: Hope for Lost Sons and Daughters, Regretful or Longsuffering Parents, and Bitter Brethren. Whether you’re a parent, sibling, or friend, you’ve likely felt the sting of a loved one abandoning you or the faith for a life of wandering in the world. There are complex emotions tangled up in this hurt—anger at the offense, confusion at the decision, bitterness at the rejection, and grief at the loss, among many others. It is a great comfort that this phenomenon is not estranged from God, and He has laid out stories and principles in His Word that can guide us in this process. Prodigals uses the story of the prodigal son to walk through a biblical perspective of loved ones’ hurtful decisions but also a biblical perspective of our own hearts as we learn to reckon that hurt rightly. Using Luke 15 as the guiding passage, we follow along with the prodigal son as he rejects his father’s provision, seeks fulfillment in the world, is greatly humbled, and returns penitent to a welcoming father. This story outlines for us the typical trajectory of a prodigal, and in so doing, it offers hope to those who, like the father, are patiently waiting at home for their loved one’s return. Prodigals also addresses other heart postures woven into this story, speaking specifically to those who may be wrestling with bitterness, envy, and skepticism at a prodigal’s decisions, or to those who may be prodigals themselves. Through God’s Word we come to learn that God’s heart is one of grace, longsuffering, and reconciliation, and as believers in Jesus Christ, we get to adopt that same heart towards our children, siblings, and friends who have wandered. 

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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 193: What to Do with Anger and Resentment

As far as psychology is concerned, anger is perhaps the most complex and least understood human emotion. We know the anger is necessary. It's an emotion that gives us drive, it makes us competitive, and it motivates us to overcome tough situations. We know that anger can also cause turmoil. it can be explosive and cause destruction in our families, our relationships, our workplaces, and even in our churches. So how do we know when anger is appropriate or inappropriate? How should we carry anger? How should we respond to it when we feel it boiling up? How do we know when we should express anger outwardly or deal with it internally? We’ll answer these questions and many more on today’s show.


Purchase A Path Well Lit: A Theology & Philosophy of Biblical Counseling by Brandon Briscoe and Jonathan Kindler at

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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 152: Dealing With Addiction

We continue our biblical counseling series with professor of Biblical Counseling, Jonathan Kindler. This time we talk about addictive thought and behavior patterns, discussing biblical pathways for breaking free from sin strong holds. Furthermore, we answer questions like, is addiction just a chronic illness that can only be managed? And, how do we lovingly counsel and offer real hope to those around us who feel defeated?


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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 142: Dealing with Grief and Loss

In this episode of the Postscript, we sit down with Professor of Biblical Counseling Jonathan Kindler to discuss what it looks like to deal with loss and grief in a biblical manner. Grief is a universal experience, but not everyone walks through emotional pain in a way that is healthy. Jonathan shares with us how to identify grief in our life as well as to acknowledge if we have failed to grieve in a biblical way. He also provides steps with how to handle our grief as it rises up, sometimes in unexpected ways.


To purchase A Path Well Lit; A Theology & Philosophy of Biblical Counseling visit

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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 130: Counseling Marriages Biblically

We continue our series with Jonathan Kindler, LFBI professor of Biblical Counseling, to discuss the topic of marriage. We briefly address underlying thoughts, behaviors and patterns that manifest in common presenting issues. We discuss what it looks like to counsel couples according to God’s purpose and plan, beginning with the gospel. Lastly, we touch on how a biblically sound relationship functions and what intimacy looks like for the married couple who’s main goal is to glorify Christ.

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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 117: The Cult of Happiness

In this episode we speak with LFBI professor and professional counselor Jonathan Kindler regarding therapeutic culture and America’s obsession with finding personal happiness. Despite a pervasive mental health culture, why is depression and anxiety at an all time high? In this episode we reveal a better pursuit: joy and a divine mission.

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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 98: Fear, Anxiety & Finding Confidence in the Lord

In this episode with LFBI professor & professional counsellor Jon Kindler we address several key questions on the topic of fear — What is its place in our life? Is there a spiritual component to fear? What are the broken mechanisms we use to cope with fear in the flesh that always fail in time? What happens when fear goes unchecked by truth?

Lastly, we see what God’s Word says about dealing with fear. This leads us to a spiritual walk marked by freedom in faith by the power of God.

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The Postscript Show The Postscript Show

Episode 52: Biblical Counseling, Secular Therapy & The Way to Lasting Transformation

In this second interview with Jonathan Kindler, instructor of Biblical Counseling in Living Faith Bible Institute, we discuss the differences between a secular counseling and biblical counseling. He shares how the Bible, the Holy Spirit and the local church have a way of providing holistic and divine transformation that is unequivocal and unattainable in the secular therapeutic setting.

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