The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.


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Discipleship The Postscript Show Discipleship The Postscript Show

Episode 195: An Introduction to Discipleship Central

The Living Faith Bible Institute holds to a biblical philosophy of discipleship, which means a form of discipleship that looks like what Jesus offered his disciples, or what Paul offered Timothy and Titus: an up close and personal form of mentorship where a mature minister invests a biblical doctrine, principles and lifestyle into the life of a younger believer. For decades now, the churches in the Living Faith Fellowship have taken this discipleship approach very seriously — allocating people and resources to make discipleship their priority within their local churches. This approach to ministry has resulted in more zealous and mature church members, with greater biblical proficiency and personal maturity. With this in mind, the Living Faith Bible Institute has developed a new online resource to help pastors gain a biblical philosophy of discipleship as well as free training and coaching as their church implements discipleship. In this episode of the Postscript, Brandon Briscoe interviews Kenny Morgan, the Chair of the Foundations Program and Discipleship Pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple, to share with us about Discipleship Central and why this tool will help pastors and leaders effectively advance discipleship in their churches.



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Biblical Leadership The Postscript Show Biblical Leadership The Postscript Show

Episode 159: From Moses to Joshua & Transitioning Well

Justin Trotter of Callie Harbin Baptist Church comes back on the show to recap his content on transitioning well in ministry which he preached at The Discipleship Conference of Living Faith Fellowship ‘23. Justin tells a recent testimony of change in ministry and shows us from the story of Moses and Joshua what we can learn from their discipleship relationships. We cover what a successful change in leadership looks like, overcoming problems and paving the way for future generations.


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Leadership Development The Postscript Show Leadership Development The Postscript Show

Episode 61: The Pastor’s Job Description, Priorities & Leadership

In this first episode of three with Pastor Sam Miles of Midtown Baptist Temple, we discuss what is required of the pastor in terms of leadership. We look at the necessities of casting a clear vision, prioritizing the pulpit ministry & leading the congregation to prayer. A great episode to inspire pastors and those who desire the office.

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