The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.


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Church History The Postscript Show Church History The Postscript Show

Episode 220: King James I of England, the Authorized Version of the Bible & the Translation Process

Since the inception of The Postscript, we have been meeting with Pastor Greg Axe, Church History instructor at the Living Faith Bible Institute, to discuss just that, the history of the church and God's work in the world through his people.

The last few times we met, we chatted about Europe during the Reformation and then the Counter-Reformation. We've discussed quite a cast of characters over the last few episodes: Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, Bloody Mary, Queen Elizabeth, but today we want to discuss King James, King of England and Scotland at the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century.

King James was undoubtedly a flawed man. His legacy as king is marked by peace, unity and general prosperity, as well as the sins of an unrighteous man. Even greater than these strengths and also his weaknesses, was God's determination to accomplish an incomprehensible work, a translation of the Bible that would ultimately change the whole world. 


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Bible Translation The Postscript Show Bible Translation The Postscript Show

Episode 189: Translating the Bible into Albanian with Erion Vogli

Since the end of the 19th Century, the church has been debating an issue that before that era, was not broadly contended – namely, whether or not God has faithfully preserved his word over time and between languages.

For millennia Psalm 12:6 and 7 was understood to mean that God could and would protect and preserve his scriptures.

…it reads “The words of the LORD [are] pure words: [as] silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”

But by the late 1800’s modern academia had given rise to the critical text position, which postulated that the Bible we have, is not the Bible that God inspired.

Today, the commonly held position is that God’s word was captured in the original manuscripts but was lost over time by the unreliable hands of transcribers and the inherent shortcomings of the translation process.

The result of this critical view has led to an emphasis on scholarship; the archaeological, anthropological, and theological pursuit of the oldest and most eclectic text to produce the most thoughtful translation. This appeal to authority has led to an ever-expanding array of bible translations, in English as well as other languages — translations for which the scholars can not definitively say are the very words of God.

Today on the show we have Erion Vogli, a man on a mission to create a reliable translation of the Bible in his native Albanian language. What gives him the confidence that this is even possible? What are his methods and how can he know they are steadfast?


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Doctrine The Postscript Show Doctrine The Postscript Show

Episode 172: When Your Church Gets Evicted Over Their View on Inerrancy

Historically, baptists have agreed on a great number of things. For the most part, especially among dispensationalists, we have been agreed on soteriology, the trinity, ecclesiology and eschatology to name a few. But the topic of biblical inerrancy has produced a greater and greater divide among baptists in the last few decades. This week on the Postscript, we interview Pastor Mike Reneau of Living Faith Boston, a young but growing church plant who has recently been displaced for their view on the preservation of scripture. Living Faith has experienced a form of persecution, an aggression from within their ranks, one related to their adherence to the Authorized Version. Mike shares with us the details of this experience and calls believers to greater faith and resolve.

Read Living Faith Fellowship Blog Post: Top 5 Reasons People Have Rejected the KJV (By Their Own Admission) and why Their Reasons are Invalid.

Watch Ep. 100: Inspiration, Preservation & the King James Bible


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