The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.

Pastor Brandon Briscoe Postscript podcast

Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple

New episodes of the Postscript release weekly

Episode Finder:

Church Leadership The Postscript Show Church Leadership The Postscript Show

Episode 192: Expositional Leadership and Effective Pulpit Ministry

It is difficult for the pastor to meet the needs of the church. Pastors can be exceptionally busy with the affairs of the church — staff meetings, counseling, setting the budget; making sure the building is safe, clean and ready; and of course the work of prayer, study, and preaching. But has the church created a culture that unnecessarily differentiates between the leadership of the pulpit and the leadership of day-to-day ministry? What if pastors learned to lead more effectively from within the pulpit ministry? What if church members were encouraged to take heed of the doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction they received from their pastor every Sunday? Could better expositional leadership impact the maturity and trajectory of the church and preserve ministry resources?

On today’s episode, we have invited Dr. Scott Pace, provost of the College at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and Jim Shaddix have recently authored a book called Expositional Leadership: Shepherding God’s People from the Pulpit. We have invited Scott on the show to share some principles for preaching that will help pastors and leaders better address the needs of their church and encourage them in the work of discipleship.


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Leadership The Postscript Show Leadership The Postscript Show

Episode 185: The Cupbearer and Genuinely Supporting Your Pastor

In every church in America, there are members who have opinions about how the church ought to be managed. Many times, members find themselves disagreeing with leadership. All too often, it is associate pastors who find themselves at the sharpest of odds with their head pastors. The effects of disjointed relationships in leadership can be devastating. Today we sit down with pastor Kenny Morgan, Chair of the Foundations Department at Living Faith Bible Institute and author of The Cupbearer: A Guide for Associate Pastors and Church Leaders. Pastor Kenny shares his story of how he gained a burden that resulted in the writing of his new release (by Living Faith Books). We discuss how church leaders and associate pastors can biblically support their leaders, parsing out the difference between the "yes-man" attitude and genuine Spirit-led support of the head pastor.



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Ministry The Postscript Show Ministry The Postscript Show

Episode 165: Shepherding the Unchurched

This week we have Pastor Joe McKaig of Decatur Baptist Church in Decatur, AL, who is the instructor of the Introduction to Homiletics course in the Living Faith Bible Institute. We are going to discuss what it means to be salt and light within the communities that we live.

What does it look like for the church to be a friend and support within their community? What does it mean for the pastor to shepherd the relationships they have with those outside of the church?


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Pastoring The Postscript Show Pastoring The Postscript Show

Episode 112: The Biblical History of the Pastorate & Ministry Adaptation

We sit down with dean of LFBI and pastor of Harvest Baptist Church, Dr. Alan Shelby to discuss the unfolding biblical role of the pastor. We also see ways in which false ideas about leadership, stemming from traditions of the Imperial Church, have negatively informed the way church leaders function in their responsibilities today. Alan points back to scripture to then addresses how a leader ought to cast a vision for their local church that anticipates Christ’s imminent return and emphasizes the urgent mission before them.

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Pastoring The Postscript Show Pastoring The Postscript Show

Episode 109: Healing, The Call & WedStrong

Episode 109: Pastor Justin Trotter of Callie Harbin Church in Georgia tells a few stories of healing amidst grieving the loss of his father, Mark Trotter. He reflects on his special relationship with his dad & how God gives grace in times of sorrow.

He also shares how God prepared him to pastor at Callie Harbin. Lastly, he extends an invitation to married couples to attend WedStrong Marriage Conference, first established by Pastor Mark Trotter and now continued by Justin and his mother Sherri.

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Missions The Postscript Show Missions The Postscript Show

Episode 14: Pastoral Calling, Bible Study & Church Planting

In this week's episode of the Postscript, Brandon interviews Pastor Dan Reneau of Living Faith Lee's Summit and instructor at Living Faith Bible Institute. In this episode we discuss his testimony and how he came to a place where he believed he was called to pastoral leadership. We also discuss how the church in Lee's Summit, MO was planted and how God has used simple faithfulness to establish disciples.

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Leadership Development The Postscript Show Leadership Development The Postscript Show

Episode 13: Integrity, Consistency & Character in Leadership

In episode 13 of the Postscript we continue our interview series with Pastor Alan Shelby of Harvest Baptist Church and the President of Living Faith Bible Institute. In this episode we ask him to look back on forty years of ministry to provide us with both warning and encouragement. We discuss the character of a believer and how to have vision for future ministry. A powerful and compelling conversation that is sure to strengthen you.

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