The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.


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The Postscript Show The Postscript Show

Episode 42: The Father of Catholic Doctrine, The Political Bishop Precedent, & The Forbidden Bible

In this episode we continue our conversation with Professor and Pastor Greg Axe of Crest Bible Church. We examine the beliefs & works of a few early influencers of the Roman Catholic Church who came to prominence between 325-500 AD, including Ambrose, Augustine & Jerome.

Greg explains how Ambrose’s political office in the Roman Empire was key to him assuming the role of bishop of Milan, Italy. We discuss how Augustine’s theology gave way to Catholic doctrines such as baby baptism, purgatory, works-based salvation, penance, supersessionism and a papal theocracy. Lastly, we look into Jerome’s monastic lifestyle and his creation of the Latin Vulgate, which became the official bible for the Roman Catholic Church.

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The Postscript Show The Postscript Show

Episode 41: A Context for Constantine, Councils, Confessions, Catechisms & Creeds

In this episode we have a conversation with Professor and Pastor Greg Axe of Crest Bible Church. Greg teaches the Church History course at Living Faith Bible Institute. In our conversation, Greg describes the events that led to the marriage of Christianity and the Roman Empire. He also helps us to decipher the differences between the councils, confession, catechisms and creeds we hear about in history and religion.

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Church History The Postscript Show Church History The Postscript Show

Episode 4: Constantine the bishop of bishops, nicea & a perverted union

In Episode 4 we interview Pastor Greg Axe of Crest Bible Church and professor of Church History and Eschatology at Living Faith Bible Institute. In this episode Greg and Brandon discuss Constantine’s unification of the Roman Empire under his newly-founded state religion and how what first appeared to be relief to persecuted Christians gave way to further conundrums.

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