The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.
Podcast Finder:
Short #16: Michael Black
We interview student of Living Faith Bible Institute student Michael Black who ministers in Kansas City, Missouri at his local church. Michael shares how Living Faith Bible Institute has and is preparing him to be a fruitful and effective soul winner and missionary in the heart of the city. Michael leads his church's evangelism ministry as well as a growing Bible study on a local college campus with the intention that fruit from that ministry will one day result in a new church plant.
Lastly, as all of our Shorts guests do, Michael tells us his favorite LFBI courses and which Postscript episodes he has gleaned the most from.
Episode 181: The Problem with Karl Barth
We examine the theological framework and contradictory life of Karl Barth with Dr. Alan Shelby, Dean of the Living Faith Bible Institute. Barth was a Swiss theologian who gained popularity amongst Protestants and Catholics alike in the first half of the twentieth century. It has since been observed that Barth influenced post-war politics and the Neo-evangelical movement of the modern world. Pope Pius XII is famously quoted saying that Karl Barth is “the greatest theologian since Thomas Aquinas.” Today, we discuss why he is so highly regarded in Christendom at large and why we Bible believers should be leery of his teachings.
Episode 180: Bloody Mary and Queen Elizabeth
We continue our series on church history with pastor Greg Axe, author of “Church History”. Last time, we talked about the actions of King Henry VIII severing the ties between the Church of Rome with the (Anglican) Church of England. Today we will discuss Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth, two rulers with different approaches to leadership and with very different religious views.
Episode 179: the Model Marriage of Priscilla and Aquila
Marriage is a wonderful gift from God. It is the very first institution God established for mankind on earth, but if there is anything we can learn from Adam and Eve it is that it can be very difficult to stay on mission without yielding to distractions of worldly things. Even good Christian marriages can be distracted with the cares of this world and with the joys of building a family.
Thankfully, the New Testament presents us with a model marriage through the apostle Paul’s friends Priscilla and Aquila who we will be discussing. We have invited pastor Jay Schug of Community Fellowship Baptist Church of Huntsville Alabama to discuss this topic. Jay was the guest speaker at the WedStrong Retreat this year (2023) in Nashville and brings us a summary of what he presented to couples of the Living Faith Fellowship this year.
Short #15: Syera Schaffer
Today, we interview student of Living Faith Bible Institute student Syera Schaffer who was a critical member of the Living Faith Tampa church plant (now autonomous local church). She shares her testimony of salvation, how biblical discipleship played a major role in her spiritual development, and what ministries she utilizes her Bible school knowledge in at LFT (now autonomous local church in Tampa, Florida). Lastly, as all of our Shorts guests do, Syera tells us her favorite Living Faith Bible Institute Courses and which Postscript episodes she likes most.
Episode 178: The Leadership Quality of Vigilance
As Christians, we know it is very easy to be enamored by talent in the church. We are all prone to regard charisma or intellect in our leaders. We tend to be drawn to those who are well-spoken or captivating. This way of judging the aptitude of existing or potential leaders is short-sighted in that we fail to prioritize the more significant criterion of biblical character.
Today, on the Postscript we have Dan Reneau, Pastor of Living Faith in Lee’s Summit, MO and faculty professor at the Living Faith Bible Institute. Dan is currently teaching the Pastoral Epistles course which is why he is here to discuss the biblical leadership quality of “vigilance” and why it is inextricable with the vocational call of the pastor or anyone shepherding in the Church.
Episode 177: Church Planting and the Need for Adaptation
We speak with pastor Mark Schaffer to hear his testimony and the story of how God led him to plant a church in Tampa, Florida. He speaks about the development of his team and the challenges they have faced over the past 9 years as they have discovered their particular place in the city and ministries to match the culture. Lastly, Mark shares how the church's identity has shifted during the church-planting process. Living Faith Tampa is now a fully established church on a mission to reach the nations, with the goal of planting many churches near and abroad.
Episode 176: The Fallacy of Replacement Theology & the Dangers of Anti-Zionism
In today’s episode with pastor Sam Miles, president of Living Faith Bible Institute, we discuss the definitions and errors of Supersessionism (otherwise called Replacement Theology or Fulfillment Theology) and Covenant Theology. We also look at how redefinition of Scriptural terms by these groups ignores literal dispensations of God’s dealings with humanity in Scripture and His promises to specific audiences. This man-made hermeneutic along with made-up covenants gives way to an allegorical approach to God’s Word where the nation of “Israel” is changed to “the Church.” This conflation of God’s promises to Israel with God’s promises to the church, unfortunately results in an anti-zionist attitude as exemplified in the writings and actions of the most famous Church Fathers all the way down through history to today.
Pastor Sam walks us through a few biblical passages which show us the prophets of old together with the Lord Jesus Christ plainly declaring that Israel has an eschatological purpose which literally will come to pass as surely as Christ rose from the dead.
Episode 175: Unknown Missionary Peter Waldo & the Waldensians
Pastor and professor of missiology James Fyffe returns to continue our “Unknown Missionary” series. This time we discuss the history of the Waldensians, an Italian group of mission-minded Bible believers severely persecuted for their faith. We cover their core doctrines, methods of evangelism and legacy which included a church-planting movement spanning 400 years.
Episode 174: Growing Leaders & the Mighty Men
In this episode with Pastor Kenny Morgan, he and Brandon discuss their lecture series on leadership from the books of Samuel from the 2023 Certainty Conference. In today’s conversation they go deeper into the details surrounding the mighty men of II Samuel 23. The biblical record gives room to address the necessary character qualities of growing leaders. Kenny and Brandon also tackle many common questions that growing leaders have concerning God’s calling.
Episode 173: Henry The VIII’s Obsession & The Birth of The Anglican Church
Throughout the length of our podcast we have been doing episodes devoted to understanding history, particularly the history of the church, from a biblical perspective. Last time we came together on this topic was Episode 156, where we discussed the Counter Reformation and the Catholic Church’s struggle to reclaim its authority during the 16th and 17th Century. This week we are going to build on our ongoing narrative by chatting about Henry the VIII, King of England (1509-1547). Henry represents for us a serious turning of power in England away from the authority of the church which of course led to the establishment of the Church of England. And of course, our guide on this journey through church history. For this conversation we welcome back author of Church History: A Biblical Perspective, Greg Axe.
Episode 172: When Your Church Gets Evicted Over Their View on Inerrancy
Historically, baptists have agreed on a great number of things. For the most part, especially among dispensationalists, we have been agreed on soteriology, the trinity, ecclesiology and eschatology to name a few. But the topic of biblical inerrancy has produced a greater and greater divide among baptists in the last few decades. This week on the Postscript, we interview Pastor Mike Reneau of Living Faith Boston, a young but growing church plant who has recently been displaced for their view on the preservation of scripture. Living Faith has experienced a form of persecution, an aggression from within their ranks, one related to their adherence to the Authorized Version. Mike shares with us the details of this experience and calls believers to greater faith and resolve.
Read Living Faith Fellowship Blog Post: Top 5 Reasons People Have Rejected the KJV (By Their Own Admission) and why Their Reasons are Invalid.
Watch Ep. 100: Inspiration, Preservation & the King James Bible