Introduction to Old Testament 1
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // The Introduction to the Bible series is a survey that focuses on the history and writings of both the Old and New Testaments of God’s Word. This course focuses on the books Genesis through Job.
Letter to the Romans
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // In this class, students will explore the foundational book of Romans, with careful attention paid to church doctrine, along with history and personal life application. In addition, you’ll see how many Old Testament practices picture new testament doctrine.
Methods of Evangelism
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 1 credit hour // This course will provide the student with the content and context for developing a biblical understanding of evangelism.
Introduction to Old Testament 2
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // Introduction to Old Testament 2 is an overview of Psalms through Malachi. Topics include historical context, life application, pictures, types, prophecies, key features, and dispensational truth.
Introduction to New Testament 2
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // Introduction to New Testament 2 is an overview of 1 Timothy through Revelation. Topics include historical context, life application, pictures, types, prophecies, key features, and dispensational truth.
Systematic and Dispensational Theology
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // This course gives a survey of the basic doctrines of the Bible, placing each truth-topic within a framework of discipleship. This is done systematically from a dispensational and premillennial perspective.
Methods of Evangelism
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 1 credit hour // This course will provide the student with the content and context for developing a biblical understanding of evangelism.
English Grammar & the King James Bible
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 1 credit hour // This course will teach students the parts of speech and rules of grammar in the English language for the sake of informing exegetical study within the Authorized Version of the King James Bible.
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 1 credit hour // This course is designed to equip students to boldly prove biblical Christianity within a secular world while exemplifying a gentle and kind spirit as found in Matthew 10:16.
Introduction to New Testament 1
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // Introduction to New Testament 1 is an overview of Matthew through 2 Thessalonians. Topics include the historical context, life application, pictures, types, prophecies, key features and dispensational truth.
Introduction to Old Testament 1
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // The Introduction to the Bible series is a survey that focuses on the history and writings of both the Old and New Testaments of God’s Word. This course focuses on the books Genesis through Job.
1 Corinthians
LEADERSHIP PREP // 2 credit hours // This course approaches the strategic church epistle of 1 Corinthians with the purpose of understanding Paul’s description of ministry in an urban setting, including church order, structure, government and problems. Spiritual gifts are examined in light of the Spirit’s purpose in promoting the effectiveness of the local church.
Acts of the Apostles
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // An analytical study of the book of Acts that examines the foundations and early development of Christianity. Particular attention is given to the transition from Israel to the Church and Paul's role in the dispensation of grace.
Introduction to New Testament 2
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // Introduction to New Testament 2 is an overview of 1 Timothy through Revelation. Topics include historical context, life application, pictures, types, prophecies, key features, and dispensational truth.
The Gospel of Matthew
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // This course is an expositional study of the first book of the New Testament with attention paid to the doctrinal application primarily alongside some historical and personal life application.
Methods of Evangelism
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 1 credit hour // This course will provide the student with the content and context for developing a biblical understanding of evangelism.
English Grammar & the King James Bible
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 1 credit hour // This course will teach students the parts of speech and rules of grammar in the English language for the sake of informing exegetical study within the Authorized Version of the King James Bible.
Acts of the Apostles
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // An analytical study of the book of Acts that examines the foundations and early development of Christianity. Particular attention is given to the transition from Israel to the Church and Paul's role in the dispensation of grace.
BIBLE ESSENTIALS // 2 credit hours // An introduction to the fundamental concepts of correct Bible study, focusing on established and time-honored rules of Bible study, the proper use of basic Bible study tools, and an understanding of the theme of the Bible.