The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.


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Church History The Postscript Show Church History The Postscript Show

Episode 211: The Birth of the Anabaptists

We all have that family member who is obsessed with the family tree, perhaps that uncle or that aunt that knows the exact year that your family immigrated to the United States. Family members like this help us to understand our history and heritage and have a stronger personal identity.

What about our faith lineage? What about our spiritual history, the legacy of those that helped establish the worldview that we often take for granted? Knowing our heritage as Baptists is an important and worthwhile endeavor.

On today's show, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute Brandon Briscoe sits down with Jim Alter, pastor of Grace Baptist Church of Sidney, Ohio. Jim is the co-founder and editor of the Ancient Baptist Press. Jim is also the coauthor of a book called Why Baptist? The Significance of Baptist Principles in an Ecumenical Age.



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Certainty Conference The Postscript Show Certainty Conference The Postscript Show

Episode 207: Certainty '24 & Deciding Upfront to Remain Faithful to God's Word

Today Pastor Brandon Briscoe, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute interviews Pastor Brian Hedges, Director of Word First Bible Publishers, on themes regarding the upcoming (October 6-9, 2024) Living Faith Fellowship's annual Certainty Conference. Brian will be teaching the morning session on the subject of Revelation 2 and 3, its prophetic depiction of the “church ages” and its inspirational application to our lives. During the course of this podcast Brian walks through those church ages and gives a little insight into what you should expect to hear in more depth as you attend or livestream at

At Certainty 2024, we will delve into biblical church history and our Baptist heritage, exploring what it means to follow in the faith and traditions of a “Philadelphian” Baptist church. The Certainty Conference is not only a profitable time of Bible study but also a great opportunity to connect with other members of the Living Faith Fellowship of churches. 

Pastor Brandon will be preaching on how the church can build on the legacy and traditions of faith that have come before us; what are the strengths we can learn from and what are the weaknesses we should avoid.

Pastor Alan Shelby of Harvest Baptist Church and Dean of Living Faith Bible Institute will be teaching in the morning session on the subject of our recent Baptist history.

Visit for more information.

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Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 190: The Age of Accountability According to Scripture

For thousands of years of Christianity and Judaism, there has been an ongoing debate about what it means for a person to be accountable for their sin. In fact, the debate sits at the heart of the historic contention of the Roman Catholics who practice and perform pato baptism (infant baptism) and the Baptists who believe that baptism is reserved for those who have put their faith in Christ - which implies there is a free will and intellectual capacity to understand and receive the terms of the gospel, something which infants and small children cannot do.

What is the age of accountability? That's our question for today. Or another way of asking it may be - When does a person have the discretionary faculty to make a decision concerning Jesus Christ? How do we, particularly as parents, recognize that a child is aware and thus answerable to God for their sin? Is it a sudden realization? Is there a specific age or is it a gradual realization?

To help us better understand what the Bible says about the age of accountability, we have invited Pastor, Dr. Chris Best, Missiology instructor here at the Living Faith BIble Institute to discuss this subject that will benefit anyone looking for biblical answers on the topic.


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Doctrine The Postscript Show Doctrine The Postscript Show

Episode 172: When Your Church Gets Evicted Over Their View on Inerrancy

Historically, baptists have agreed on a great number of things. For the most part, especially among dispensationalists, we have been agreed on soteriology, the trinity, ecclesiology and eschatology to name a few. But the topic of biblical inerrancy has produced a greater and greater divide among baptists in the last few decades. This week on the Postscript, we interview Pastor Mike Reneau of Living Faith Boston, a young but growing church plant who has recently been displaced for their view on the preservation of scripture. Living Faith has experienced a form of persecution, an aggression from within their ranks, one related to their adherence to the Authorized Version. Mike shares with us the details of this experience and calls believers to greater faith and resolve.

Read Living Faith Fellowship Blog Post: Top 5 Reasons People Have Rejected the KJV (By Their Own Admission) and why Their Reasons are Invalid.

Watch Ep. 100: Inspiration, Preservation & the King James Bible


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Leadership Development The Postscript Show Leadership Development The Postscript Show

Episode 27: A Baptist Heritage, A Missions Mind & All the Audio Cassettes You Can Handle

In Episode 27 of the Postscript we introduce you to Pastor/Missionary Brian Clark of Crossroads Baptist Church in London, England. He tells us about his journey toward the pastorate and the mission field. Brian's story telling and humor makes for an entertaining and compelling testimony of obedience and Biblical discovery.

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