The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.
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Episode 150: The Problem with Andy Stanley
Despite being raised within a traditional baptistic theology, Pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church has made many statements that depart from a simple faith in the Bible.
In this episode we examine Andy’s confusing pronouncements about Scripture and uncover how he is leading Christians away from fundamental Christian doctrine by presenting a view of faith that emphasizes anthropological and historical perspectives. In other words, Stanley adopts a skeptical approach to scripture in order to revise his evangelical faith and make it palatable to an enlightened postmodern audience. In place of Biblical authority, Pastor Stanley leads by cult of personality.
Episode 149: The Anabaptists & A Heritage of Biblical Discipleship
We continue our church history series with Pastor Greg Axe of Crest Bible Church, who is also the professor of Church History at Living Faith Bible Institute. Greg is the author of Church History: A Biblical Perspective, which can be found on Amazon.
Today we discuss the Anabaptists of the 16th century, their origins, doctrines, culture, and their legacy of biblical discipleship.
Episode 148: A Heart to Submit to the God of the Bible
Randy Copeland of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Mouton, AL joins us for a conversation on spiritual authority and accountability to the Word of God in the church. Randy shares his testimony of salvation and how he was called to pastoral ministry. He explains how repentance from a heart posture of rebellion to one of submission to Christ and His Word completely changed his life and freed him to prefer others over himself. We discuss what a right attitude toward God ordained authority looks like. Lastly, we discuss the worthiness and exaltation of Jesus Christ in the context of Spirit-led unity.
Episode 147: The Key of David
Pastor Justin Trotter of Callie Harbin Baptist Church in Villa Rica, GA joins us to discuss his father Mark Trotter’s book “The Keys of Bible Study: Unlocking Scripture in an Age of Forgotten Truth.”
We focus the conversation on “the key of David” found in Revelation 3:7 and referenced in Isaiah 22:22. Justin explains why his father wrote the book The Keys of Bible Study and what the dangers are to not applying the Bible with a heart of love and reverence for the God of the Bible. In an age of welcoming multiple interpretations as valid, Justin explains why it is that we cannot afford to study God’s book sloppily.
Episode 146: Missions and the Role of the Local Church
In this episode Jeff Bartell, the missions pastor of First Baptist Church in New Philadelphia, OH and host of the podcast Theology Roundtable shares his missions experience in post-communist Albania. In 1992 Jeff found himself amidst a people who had never heard the gospel. He learned the language, preached the gospel and made disciples. Now that same Albanian local church God used Jeff to plant is biblically envisioned and actively reproducing local churches in other parts of the world. We discuss missions and specifically how the local church described throughout the New Testament fits God’s plan for evangelizing the lost and making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Visit for sermons and additional materials from the Living Faith Fellowship’s 2022-23 Mission Focus Conference.
Short #11: Alex Allen
We interview student of Living Faith Bible Institute Alex Allen. He shares about his upbringing, testimony of salvation, the spiritual transformation he experienced since salvation and also about his roles in ministry at Midtown Baptist Temple in Kansas City, MO where he is the director of Bible studies for the College & Young Adult Class.
Episode 145: Unpacking Unconditional Election with Leighton Flowers
Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism for Texas Baptists and professor of Soteriology at Trinity Theological Seminary joins us to discuss the topic of Calvinism. In this second of two episodes, Leighton shares with us reasons why Calvinist theology has become more popular in recent years and why historically it seems to wax and wane among Christians.
Leighton also takes time to unpack a couple of the major tenets of Calvinism: Unconditional election and limited atonement. He uses scripture to refute both of these linch pin philosophical dogmas.
Dr. Leighton Flowers’ books available on Amazon:
The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology
God's Provision For All: A Defense of God's Goodness
Visit for additional resources for refuting Calvinism biblically.
Visit to learn more about the academic program of study at Living Faith Bible Institute.
Episode 144: Examining Calvinist Theology with Leighton Flowers
Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism for Texas Baptists and professor of Soteriology at Trinity Theological Seminary joins us to discuss the topic of Calvinism. He shares his personal testimony of salvation and his journey to undo the Calvinist theology he once held.
In this episode, Leighton lays the foundation of why it is important to counter deterministic theologies in the Church, briefly showing us historical roots and examples of redefinitions in biblical vocabulary to fit the Calvinist worldview.
Episode 143: Becoming a Good Student
Youth pastor and Living Faith Bible Institute Professor Jeff Grasher comes on the show to share testimonies and tips on how to build successful student habits. We address the need to directly apply biblical knowledge in the context of ministry and life. We then briefly cover being organized, planned and having a bit of grit in approaching personal study and growth. As an institution, LFBI desires to see students take their studies seriously. Jeff takes time to share how knowing your “why” as a Bible student will drive you forward to finish strong with greater purpose in order to multiply ministry.
Episode 142: Dealing with Grief and Loss
In this episode of the Postscript, we sit down with Professor of Biblical Counseling Jonathan Kindler to discuss what it looks like to deal with loss and grief in a biblical manner. Grief is a universal experience, but not everyone walks through emotional pain in a way that is healthy. Jonathan shares with us how to identify grief in our life as well as to acknowledge if we have failed to grieve in a biblical way. He also provides steps with how to handle our grief as it rises up, sometimes in unexpected ways.
To purchase A Path Well Lit; A Theology & Philosophy of Biblical Counseling visit
Episode 141: Witchcraft, Divination & Demonology
We sit down with LFBI President Pastor Sam Miles for our second episode on the topic of demonology. We discuss the ways in which evil spirits manifest themselves in our world and in the lives of people. We define words like witchcraft, necromancy, soothsaying and divination to frame the many different ways in which people invite and engage with demonic powers. Sam also shares with us his personal experiences with divination and provides a warning for believers as it concerns making provision for evil in our life.
Short #10: Connor Muolo
We interview student and soon-to-be graduate of Living Faith Bible Institute Connor Muolo, the wife of David Muolo who we interviewed last time on The Postscript Shorts (Short #9) Connor shares her testimony of growth in the contexts of discipleship, ministry and how her and David are serving in their local church today.
Episode 140: Demonology, The Devil & His Domain
We sit down with LFBI President Pastor Sam Miles of Midtown Baptist Temple, and Professor of our Genesis course, regarding the Luciferian rebellion before the fall of man and the ensuing spiritual battle for worship between God and the Devil’s kingdom. Specifically, we will look into what Scripture says about demons, their role in the devil’s plan and the nature of their jurisdiction.
Short #9: David Muolo
Living Faith Bible Institute student David Muolo shares his testimony of coming to faith in Christ, growing spiritually through biblical discipleship and learning to lead others. David is a worship leader in the College and Young Adult Class of Midtown Baptist Temple. He is also a Bible study leader, discipler and husband to Connor Muolo.