The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors.

Pastor Brandon Briscoe Postscript podcast

Host of the Postscript is Brandon Briscoe, provost of the Living Faith Bible Institute and associate pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple

New episodes of the Postscript release weekly

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Missions The Postscript Show Missions The Postscript Show

Episode 191: Horvaths to Hungary, Learning the Culture & Three Years of Church Planting

Graduate of Living Faith Bible Institute, church planter, and missionary Kale Horvath, joins us again to give an update on the new church plant growth in Budapest, Hungary, including personal testimonies from the first few years on the mission field.

Kale moved his family to Budapest, Hungary as missionaries in December of 2020, in the middle of Covid quarantines (lockdowns). Kale shares what challenges they faced, including: landing during a pandemic, getting a visa during the shutdown, learning a new (foreign) language, preaching with a Hungarian Bible to people of Hungarian culture, praying for & finding a church building, learning to effectively evangelize in a new culture and finding schools and education for Kale and Brooke’s children.

Kale walks us through how the Living Faith Bible Institute and ministry service in his local church (youth pastoring) built him into a minister ready for missions work. He served on staff at First Baptist Church as the youth pastor from 2015-2019. Kale and Brooke first visited Hungary in 2014, and returned annually until moving to Budapest in 2020.

Kale & Brooke have ministered through short trips in Hungary since 2014 through summer camps for kids and sharing the gospel. By the end of 2023 into early January, the Horvath’s had officially planted Zuglói Biblia Gyülekezet (Zugló Bible Church) in the fourteenth district of Budapest, Hungary.

Finally, Kale gives a glimpse into a book he is authoring which is meant to help those who are deconstructing or have deconstructed their faith. In the book, he gives the biblical handles a believer needs to actively engage in faith and grow closer to God and his people.


Visit to learn more about the Horvath’s church ministry in Budapest, Hungary.

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Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show

Short #20: Rebecca Powers

Today, we speak with student of Living Faith Bible Institute, Rebecca Powers who ministers in Kansas City, Missouri discipling women and leading a ladies Bible study. She shares her testimony of salvation and how God used a crisis in her life to draw her closer to her God-given purpose. She expresses the joy and peace she has gained in growing in a relationship with Jesus Christ amidst a backdrop of trials. We discuss how LFBI doctrinal training has changed her life and benefited her ministry. Lastly, Rebecca tells us her favorite LFBI courses and Postscript episodes. Visit

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Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 190: The Age of Accountability According to Scripture

For thousands of years of Christianity and Judaism, there has been an ongoing debate about what it means for a person to be accountable for their sin. In fact, the debate sits at the heart of the historic contention of the Roman Catholics who practice and perform pato baptism (infant baptism) and the Baptists who believe that baptism is reserved for those who have put their faith in Christ - which implies there is a free will and intellectual capacity to understand and receive the terms of the gospel, something which infants and small children cannot do.

What is the age of accountability? That's our question for today. Or another way of asking it may be - When does a person have the discretionary faculty to make a decision concerning Jesus Christ? How do we, particularly as parents, recognize that a child is aware and thus answerable to God for their sin? Is it a sudden realization? Is there a specific age or is it a gradual realization?

To help us better understand what the Bible says about the age of accountability, we have invited Pastor, Dr. Chris Best, Missiology instructor here at the Living Faith BIble Institute to discuss this subject that will benefit anyone looking for biblical answers on the topic.


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Bible Translation The Postscript Show Bible Translation The Postscript Show

Episode 189: Translating the Bible into Albanian with Erion Vogli

Since the end of the 19th Century, the church has been debating an issue that before that era, was not broadly contended – namely, whether or not God has faithfully preserved his word over time and between languages.

For millennia Psalm 12:6 and 7 was understood to mean that God could and would protect and preserve his scriptures.

…it reads “The words of the LORD [are] pure words: [as] silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”

But by the late 1800’s modern academia had given rise to the critical text position, which postulated that the Bible we have, is not the Bible that God inspired.

Today, the commonly held position is that God’s word was captured in the original manuscripts but was lost over time by the unreliable hands of transcribers and the inherent shortcomings of the translation process.

The result of this critical view has led to an emphasis on scholarship; the archaeological, anthropological, and theological pursuit of the oldest and most eclectic text to produce the most thoughtful translation. This appeal to authority has led to an ever-expanding array of bible translations, in English as well as other languages — translations for which the scholars can not definitively say are the very words of God.

Today on the show we have Erion Vogli, a man on a mission to create a reliable translation of the Bible in his native Albanian language. What gives him the confidence that this is even possible? What are his methods and how can he know they are steadfast?


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Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show

Short #19: Kylie Grasher

Today, we speak with recent graduate of Living Faith Bible Institute, Kylie Grasher who ministers in Kansas City, Missouri. Kylie is the host of the show's (Jeff Grasher's) wife! In this unique interview, Kylie shares her testimony of salvation, how she began following the Lord day by day and how L.F.B.I. has benefited her in keeping her home and raising her kids in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We then discuss how LFBI doctrinal training has benefitted her life and ministry. Lastly, Kylie tells us her favorite LFBI courses and Postscript episodes.


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Church Leadership The Postscript Show Church Leadership The Postscript Show

Episode 188: Guarding Against Disunity in the Church

The local New Testament church is the instrument by which God is fulfilling his mission in the world today. It is a place of teaching, training, fellowship, and spiritual deployment. God has used the church for 2,000 years – in times of victory and persecution, in harvest and famine, to be his gospel ambassadors in the world.

Is it any wonder that the primary subject of Satan’s disdain is the bride of Christ? As we look at the state of the church, we discover quickly that she has not fared well in light of the enemy’s plot against her. For every two churches planted in the U.S., three churches close (Lifeway Research). Churches are dying but perhaps more concerning, they are dividing. They are dividing over culture and politics and over personal preferences. Today we have invited Pastor Troy Stogsdill, Pastor of First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, OH to discuss how the church guards against disunity.

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Church History The Postscript Show Church History The Postscript Show

Episode 187: The Legacies of J. Frank Norris & George W. Truett with O. S. Hawkins

The history of Baptists in the United States is a long and convoluted story of victory and failure, unity and division, momentum, and decline. But, if we pay attention to the stories of those individual leaders within the movement, we discover a very important lesson – namely, that when men are full of faith in God and his word, and fearlessly preach it, they can be mightily used for the kingdom of God. Conversely, men who trade truth for pragmatism or divide the body of Christ for their own righteous causes, will often do more to harm the kingdom then

Today we have invited O. S. Hawkins, former pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas and the Chancellor and Senior Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Evangelism at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to discuss two historic Baptist pastors that serve to help us heed these lessons.

Hawkins is the author of over 50 books, including the book we will be considering today, In the Name of God: The Colliding Lives, Legends and Legacies of J. Frank Norris and George W. Truett.


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Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show

Short #18: Jerad Csukker

Today we speak with a student of Living Faith Bible Institute, Jerad Csukker who is the Teen and Young Adults Pastor at Grace Baptist Church in Lee's Summit, MO. Jerad shares his testimony of salvation, and what he is up to in ministry today. We then discuss how LFBI doctrinal training has benefitted his life and ministry.

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Ps+ The Postscript Show Ps+ The Postscript Show

A Simple Overview of the Book of Revelation

In this special episode, we have compiled five Ps+ episodes hosted by Van Sneed into one. Van uses Bible study principles and topics from Pastor Greg Axe's book "Revelation Made Simple" to give us the clear layout and meaning of the very important and last book of the Bible, Revelation, which culminates in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth to rule and receive all the glory, honor and worship He deserves in His everlasting kingdom. Since Revelation regards end-time events, there is much wild speculation surrounding the book. This specific show is meant to provide a biblical lens for understanding the structure of Revelation, while focussing on the things within the book which are abundantly clear.

Purchase "Revelation Made Simple" by Greg Axe at


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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 186: How to Build a Biblical Counseling Ministry in Your Church

Therapy and psychoanalytic forms of counseling are a billion dollar industry in the United States. There are millions of Christians every year who are looking for help with their emotional and behavioral problems from non-Christian counselors. These are people who have no biblical interest or spiritual insight and are in fact in many cases hostile to our faith. Even Christian counselors are often not biblical in their approach, and and sometimes encourage their counselees to deconstruct their faith and train them and teach them to deflect their issues back onto the church - the church that maybe has loved them and cared for them over the years but somehow has become a problem. There are many Christian counselors who practice in this manner.

Counseling as an industry itself is intended to self-perpetuate by keeping people locked into normalizing their problems so that there is no way of having absolute victory over reckoning things in their life and finding the solution they need.

Today, we want to ask the questions, "what if the church reclaimed its responsibility to counsel the hurting people within their churches?" and, "what if the local church was trained and prepared to receive the hurting, and no longer had to refer hurting congregants outside of the church to find help.” We've invited professional counselor and faculty professor of biblical counseling at Living Faith Bible Institute, Jonathan Kindler, to sit down with us and to have a conversation about what it looks like for the church to take back the role of counselor. Specifically, we discuss both the need for the church to counsel its own members together with a Bible principle guided framework for doing so.


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Leadership The Postscript Show Leadership The Postscript Show

Episode 185: The Cupbearer and Genuinely Supporting Your Pastor

In every church in America, there are members who have opinions about how the church ought to be managed. Many times, members find themselves disagreeing with leadership. All too often, it is associate pastors who find themselves at the sharpest of odds with their head pastors. The effects of disjointed relationships in leadership can be devastating. Today we sit down with pastor Kenny Morgan, Chair of the Foundations Department at Living Faith Bible Institute and author of The Cupbearer: A Guide for Associate Pastors and Church Leaders. Pastor Kenny shares his story of how he gained a burden that resulted in the writing of his new release (by Living Faith Books). We discuss how church leaders and associate pastors can biblically support their leaders, parsing out the difference between the "yes-man" attitude and genuine Spirit-led support of the head pastor.



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Missions The Postscript Show Missions The Postscript Show

Episode 184: Unknown Missionary Henry Martyn

We continue our unknown missionary series with Professor of Missiology James Fyffe. This time we trace the conversion and missions work of Henry Martyn (1781-1812). Henry left a life of comfort and ease in the West to labor for 6 short and meaningful years in the work of Bible translation and evangelism. His legacy is felt most today from the Middle East all the way through India where his Bibles are still being used for gospel and discipleship-centered church planting movements. Henry shows us believers what it means to burn bright for the Lord Jesus Christ, heeding the call to world missions.

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Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show

Short #17: Chris Allred

Today, we speak with recent graduate of Living Faith Bible Institute, Chris Allred who ministers in Cartersville, Georgia. Chris shares how he was raised on the mission field, his testimony of salvation, and what he is up to in ministry today, including being a staff intern along with leading high school student ministry at Oakland Heights Baptist Church. We then discuss how LFBI doctrinal training has benefitted his life and ministry. Lastly, Chris tells us his favorite LFBI courses and Postscript episodes. Visit

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Missions The Postscript Show Missions The Postscript Show

Episode 183: Preparing to Church Plant in Portland

Living Faith Fellowship and Living Faith Bible Institute has a heart to train and equip key leaders to plant churches worldwide. Graduate of L.F.B.I., and discipleship pastor Thomas Harding of Oakland Heights Baptist Church in Cartersville, GA shares his testimony how God has given him a burden to plant a church in Portland, OR.



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Ministry The Postscript Show Ministry The Postscript Show

Episode 182: The Call to Pastor & Awakening to Spiritual Warfare

Pastor Lee Ridings of Greater Hope Baptist Church in Dallas, GA joins us to share how God prepared him for the pastorate. He tells personal stories of defining battles and corresponding victories which proved God's faithfulness and sharpened his character. These make-or-break trials and seasons in Lee's life became invaluable, ultimately proving his calling. Lee encourages young ministers who are desirous to lead in a pastoral capacity, that it is a good work (I Timothy 3:1) when done in dependance on the Lord for Christ's glory alone. We end this episode with a charge in II Timothy 2:5-7 to remind church leaders to choose faith over fear, and to operate in the very love, power and sound mind promised to us in Christ.

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Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show

Short #16: Michael Black

We interview student of Living Faith Bible Institute student Michael Black who ministers in Kansas City, Missouri at his local church. Michael shares how Living Faith Bible Institute has and is preparing him to be a fruitful and effective soul winner and missionary in the heart of the city. Michael leads his church's evangelism ministry as well as a growing Bible study on a local college campus with the intention that fruit from that ministry will one day result in a new church plant.

Lastly, as all of our Shorts guests do, Michael tells us his favorite LFBI courses and which Postscript episodes he has gleaned the most from.


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