The Postscript is a podcast and YouTube series that invites believers into in-depth theological and ministry conversations with pastors, Bible scholars, missionaries, and professors from the Living Faith Bible Institute.


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Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 202: The Imminent Return of Christ & Pretribulation Rapture Theology

Since the beginning of the church, Bible believers have discussed the return of Christ. The Apostle Paul admonishes the church in Rome to prepare for the return of Christ in Romans 13:11, “And that, knowing the time, that now [it is] high time to awake out of sleep: for now [is] our salvation nearer than when we believed. 12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.” And yet, despite Paul’s appeal to Christ’s imminent return, theologians still debate if and when Jesus will return and under what circumstances.

Today Brandon Briscoe, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute has invited Pastor Sam Miles, President of LFBI to discuss the imminent return of Christ, a pretribulation rapture, and to ask the questions like, “What is the order of the end times events? What is the rapture?” and, “Why is the topic of the ‘rapture of the church’ so significant to Christians?”


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Doctrine The Postscript Show Doctrine The Postscript Show

Episode 201: What is Biblical Fasting & Why Do We Do It?

Throughout the Old Testament, we find holy men and women who committed themselves to the work of prayer and fasting. People like Moses, King David, Ahab, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and the Jewish people. Fasting was employed as they sought forgiveness from egregious sins that they'd committed or when loved ones needed restoration for health issues, when people needed protection from danger or needed protection from their enemies.

Fasting is not just a phenomenon of the Old Testament. Fasting continues to be recognized as an important way to draw near to God and to seek his face in times of hardship and trouble. Today, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute Brandon Briscoe has invited Pastor James Fyffe to discuss what the Bible says about fasting. James is a professor of Missiology at the LFBI, as well as professor of nursing at Rockhurst University.


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Worldview The Postscript Show Worldview The Postscript Show

Episode 200: Human Consciousness, AI & a Biblical Worldview

In our modern world, technology evolves so rapidly that we often don’t even take notice anymore. Technology is so integrated into our daily lives that it’s rare for us to take notice of it and even harder to be knowledgeable and circumspect about all the ways in which our lives are affected by the subtleties of these advancements. As Bible believing Christians, we should be asking the hard questions about how technology is impacting our families, our ministry and our outlook on the world. On today's show, we discuss the implications of artificial intelligence and the development of technology that is so life-like that we begin to believe it's "human." We will ask, is it possible for technology to become sentient? What are the ontological implications of transhumanism? What is the singularity and why should I understand its ambitions? 

For this topic, Brandon Briscoe chats with Brian Bustos on the topic of human consciousness and a biblical worldview. Brian is an instructor in Living Faith Bible Institute and Director of Experience Strategy at one of Fortune’s top 100 innovative companies, where he focuses on emerging technologies. In our episode, he will help us to understand why God's creation is uniquely complex compared to AI and why we can trust that his truths will help us navigate the dystopian realities of our contemporary world.


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Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show

Short #23: Kurt Smith

Today we speak with a student of Living Faith Bible Institute, Kurt Smith shares his testimony of salvation and how he discovered biblical discipleship. He tells us of the radical transformation which has taken place in his life since also plugging into courses at Living Faith Bible Institute.

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Missions The Postscript Show Missions The Postscript Show

Episode 199: Preparing to Plant a Church in Nairobi, Kenya

This week on The Postscript, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute, Brandon Briscoe, interviews Myles Cheadle who is currently (2024) raising support to go as a missionary-pastor to Nairobi, Kenya. Myles shares his testimony of salvation and how God has prepared him in ministry at Midtown Baptist Temple in Kansas City, MO. We then discuss how he became aware of the mission field in Nairobi and how God opened his heart to going. Myles and his family are currently raising support to move to Nairobi, Kenya to shepherd a growing body of faithful believers. Along with his wife, Myles intends to transition to Nairobi full time in January 2025.



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Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 198: What Is the Unpardonable Sin?

The word "pardon" means to relieve someone of the burden of their legal consequences. In a Christological understanding of this concept, Christ shed his blood and rose from the dead in order to suffer in our stead and relieve us of the consequences of hell (1 Cor. 15:1-4, Ro. 6:23, Ro. 10:9-10, Col. 1:13-14) . In his grace and mercy, he pardoned our sin (Eph. 2:8-9, Ro. 11:6). Now, in some Christian circles, there are some that hold to the idea that there is a sin that is so terrible that it is deemed unpardonable. They believe that to commit this sin will cause you to lose your salvation or perhaps prohibit you from ever receiving it. The problem is, among those that believe in the unpardonable sin, they can’t all agree on what it is, which makes it even scarier. Its ambiguity makes it feel like you are in a constant state of danger - walking through a minefield at night, hoping you don’t misstep because it might cost your eternity. This is obviously a topic with serious repercussions, so we have to know what the Bible is saying on this subject. To help us better understand what the Bible says about the unpardonable sin, we have invited Dr. Chris Best, missiology instructor to have a conversation with the provost of Living Faith Bible Institute, Brandon Briscoe, on this important topic regarding biblical soteriology. 


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Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 197: II Peter 1, Partaking of Christ’s Divine Nature, Part 2

Justin Trotter of Callie Harbin Baptist Church in Villa Rica, GA comes back on the show today to continue Bible study in II Peter 1 with Brandon Briscoe, Provost of Living Faith Bible Institute. Last week, we looked at what it means to grow in faith, virtue, knowledge and temperance. This time we look at the last four characteristics the disciple of Christ is called to mature in: patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity.


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Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show

Short #22: Jorge Pietrogiovanna

Today we speak with a student of Living Faith Bible Institute, Jorge Pietrogiovanna who moved his family from the Midwest to Boston, Massachusetts to join the Living Faith Boston church planting team under Pastor Mike Reneau (Ep. 49 & Ep. 172). Jorge shares his testimony of salvation and what God has done in his life to this point as he is ministering in various capacities in Boston.




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Theology The Postscript Show Theology The Postscript Show

Episode 196: II Peter 1, Partaking of Christ’s Divine Nature, Part 1

II Peter 1 presents seven things the believer needs to add to their faith in order to mature in Christlike thought, behavior and speech. The promise of Scripture is that if these seven things are applied properly, the believer will grow in fruitfulness, a relationship with Christ now and an abundant entrance into His kingdom in the future (II Peter 1:8-11). Justin Trotter of Callie Harbin Baptist Church in Villa Rica, GA joins us today to walk through this passage, expounding what it means to grow in faith, virtue, knowledge and temperance. We examine these key components to fruitfully and faithfully living out the Christian life God has purposed for us as believers. In the next episode, we will walk through the last few things in this II Peter 1 list that the believer needs to add to their faith in order to receive a full reward at the judgment seat of Christ.


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Discipleship The Postscript Show Discipleship The Postscript Show

Episode 195: An Introduction to Discipleship Central

The Living Faith Bible Institute holds to a biblical philosophy of discipleship, which means a form of discipleship that looks like what Jesus offered his disciples, or what Paul offered Timothy and Titus: an up close and personal form of mentorship where a mature minister invests a biblical doctrine, principles and lifestyle into the life of a younger believer. For decades now, the churches in the Living Faith Fellowship have taken this discipleship approach very seriously — allocating people and resources to make discipleship their priority within their local churches. This approach to ministry has resulted in more zealous and mature church members, with greater biblical proficiency and personal maturity. With this in mind, the Living Faith Bible Institute has developed a new online resource to help pastors gain a biblical philosophy of discipleship as well as free training and coaching as their church implements discipleship. In this episode of the Postscript, Brandon Briscoe interviews Kenny Morgan, the Chair of the Foundations Program and Discipleship Pastor at Midtown Baptist Temple, to share with us about Discipleship Central and why this tool will help pastors and leaders effectively advance discipleship in their churches.



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Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show Postscript Shorts The Postscript Show

Short #21: John Wright

Today we speak with a student of Living Faith Bible Institute, John Wright who is a member of Living Faith Lee's Summit. John shares his testimony of salvation, and what he is up to in ministry. We then discuss how LFBI doctrinal training has benefitted his life and ministry.


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Church History The Postscript Show Church History The Postscript Show

Episode 194: The Baptist Influence on Religious Liberty

Is America a Christian nation? Where do Baptists come from and what significance do they hold in the history of our nation? What does it mean to be a Baptist today in our contemporary world?

In this episode, host Brandon Briscoe sits down with Jim Alter, pastor of Grace Baptist Church of Sidney, Ohio to ask these questions and to explore how Baptists influenced our forefathers to frame our constitution with religious liberty in mind.

Pastor Alter is co-founder and editor of the Ancient Baptist Press, and he's also the founder, curator and lecturer for a traveling exhibition called Purified Seven Times, which is devoted to educating people about the history of our English Bible. Jim is also coauthor of the book Why Baptist? The Significance of Baptist Principles in an Ecumenical Age.

Purchase Why Baptist -

Visit to learn more about Jim Alter's ministry.

Visit to sign up for Baptist History and other courses at Living Faith Bible Institute.

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Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show Biblical Counseling The Postscript Show

Episode 193: What to Do with Anger and Resentment

As far as psychology is concerned, anger is perhaps the most complex and least understood human emotion. We know the anger is necessary. It's an emotion that gives us drive, it makes us competitive, and it motivates us to overcome tough situations. We know that anger can also cause turmoil. it can be explosive and cause destruction in our families, our relationships, our workplaces, and even in our churches. So how do we know when anger is appropriate or inappropriate? How should we carry anger? How should we respond to it when we feel it boiling up? How do we know when we should express anger outwardly or deal with it internally? We’ll answer these questions and many more on today’s show.


Purchase A Path Well Lit: A Theology & Philosophy of Biblical Counseling by Brandon Briscoe and Jonathan Kindler at

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